Showing posts with label I Like Presents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Like Presents. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Wednesday Post

More New Acquisitions to the Castle5000 Boring Postcard Collection
The year 'round greenery of Southern California's magic climate
Thanks again, Morgan!

On the Beach
F L A M I N G O   A P T .   M O T E L
904 No. Strand    Phone: (714) 722-8849

Rooms, 1 and 2 bedroom apts., fully quipped kitchens.  2 patios, enclosed garages, shuffleboard.  Swimming, Surfboarding, Sportfishing.  3 blocks south of new boat Harbor. . .  2 blocks north of fishing pier.  Paul & Marion Heinbach, owners.

Bungalow Drive, Gilman's Relief Hot Springs, San Jacinto, Calif.

The year 'round greenery of Southern California's magic climate is a feature of Ferndale Lawn, a part of Greenwood memorial Park and Mortuary, San Diego.  The Park has one of three mortuaries in California located within cemetery grounds.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Wednesday Post

New Acquisitions to the Castle5000 Boring Postcard Collection
a flower filled, sun drenched patio mausoleum
Thanks, Morgan!

Court of Sunshine, a flower filled, sun drenched patio mausoleum located in Greenwood Memorial Park and Mortuary, San Diego, California.  Court of Sunshine is designed and landscaped in the manner of early California.


Santa Ana, California
Largest Mausoleum in Orange County


This aerial shows Mt. Baker rising in the background of the North Cascades.


A Home of The National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church

Monday, February 8, 2016

Saint of the Month: St. Apollonia

The Martyrdom of St. Apollonia, Jacob Jordaens, 1628

St. Apollonia

AKA: Saint Apollonia of Alexandria
Feast Day: February 9.
Not to be confused with: Saint Leucio of Apollonia,Saint Tirso of Apollonia,Saint Isaurus of Apollonia,Saint Innocent of Apollonia, Saint Felix of Apollonia, Saint Jeremias of Apollonia, Saint Peregrinus of Apollonia

Really Existed? Very probably.
Timeframe: Third Century.
Place: Alexandria, Egypt.

Credentials: Venerated by tradition.
Martyrdom: Tortured, burned alive.

Patron Saint of: Dentists, people suffering from toothache and dental problems.
Symbolism: Teeth, pincers, a palm branch.

Tomorrow is the Feast of Saint Apollonia.

Q: Then why are you talking about her today, instead of tomorrow?

A: Because I lost track of what day it was.  Shut up.

Q: How do you know that tomorrow is the Feast of Saint Apollonia?

A: That's better.  I know because it's the entry for February 9th in the Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a recent gift from the fabulous Mrs.5000.

At 625 pages long, it is really not especially "little."  It was published in 1878 and got a special shout-out from Pope Leo XIII in 1879; my copy shows a copyright renewal in 1894 and was inscribed by "Virginia Wright Wall" in 1955. 

Sometimes I regret living in a time when we are expected to show so
much restraint in our use of fonts.
It takes a lot of text from Butler, the wonderfully earnest and turgid eighteenth century hagiographer, and this makes it very retro and awesome in a dusty sort of way.  It is also matter-of-factly gruesome, and often a bit glib about how much fun it is to be a martyr.

Obviously, Little Pictorial Lives immediately becomes the prize of my little hagiographic library.  To celebrate, we will let it tell us about St. Apollonia in its own words!  I'll just add for context that the kernel of Apollonia's story comes from a letter written at the time by the Bishop of Alexandria, so we're pretty sure that she was a real person who met a real unpleasant fate.  Parental Advisory: This saint's life depicts violence and disturbing images.

I predict that Dr. Noisewater will make a reference to Apollonia 6 reference in the comments.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Wednesday Post

From the Cartographic Mailbag
it is always in excellent taste to send presents

In a Manila envelope I found in the mailbox on Saturday, there was not one but two copies of Tactical Pilotage Chart F-16D, which covers the southern half of the Beaver State.  It was sent without comment by drschnell, no doubt trying to regain the thrill of his mention in last's week's Wednesday Post.

These are big, handsome specimens of map, and I look forward to using them to inform my tactical pilotage and for other household uses.  I show them here as a reminder that it is always in excellent taste to send presents.  Also, cookies.

Friday, September 6, 2013

My Dated Events War Map

I was recently given a spiffing piece of obscure paper ephemera.  It came in this envelope, about a foot square for those of you conversant with the archaic system of measurements:

It's an infographic, before they were called infographics, and it packs a surprising volume of information about all of those things the countries engaged in the conflict we have come to call, perhaps a bit cinematicly, "World War II."

Of course, some parts of the world were more directly involved in the world war...

...than other parts of the world were:

Thanks for the update, plumbing and heating contractor E.R. Abrott of Hayward, California!

And of course thanks to the excellent IAT reader who gave me this excellent mappy gift.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Wednesday Post

Magyar Posta
The purely symbolic bleeds into the real.

When I got home from work yesterday, my mailbox was packed with postcards from Hungary.  That wasn't as surprising as it might have been, as I had had advance notice from longtime IAT reader and voter Elizabeth that she might be treating me to some esoteric paper ephemera.  The postcards were mostly short, safe Christmas and Easter greetings sent across the Iron Curtain to relatives in the United States.  What I really liked about them, though -- probably more than Elizabeth would have expected -- were the stamps.

So here's the thing: if you were a geeky kid of the late 20th Century, you probably recognize that these stamps are common as dirt.  I'm sure dozens of them passed through my hands during the brief time I was a collector of stamps in sixth and seventh grade.  For me, and for a lot of people, these are the very stamps that introduced the idea that people in other countries might have different names for their countries than the ones I was used to.  They may also have ushered in the concept of "Hungary."  They pack a nostalgic punch now, but they were potent advertisements for the existence of their nation-state, and I suppose of the nation-state in general, back in the day.

But, for all the many times I have seen exact replicas of these little pieces of paper in isolation, in albums and in bags of "1000 World Stamps" or wherever, I have never seen them on postal material.  Believe it or not, I have wondered from time to time what they would actually look like on a piece of mail.  After all, probably at least as many of these stamps were printed precanceled for sale to collectors as were ever printed for actual distribution and postal use.  But not these ones!  These ones were actually sold in some Hungarian post office and then, when affixed to a rectangle of cardstock, convinced a long, long chain of postal employees that they should relay it from Pest through dozens of intermediaries to a specific street address in South Bend, Indiana.  I am probably more dazzled by all this than I ought to be.  Nevertheless, these stamps are much more interesting on the postcards than they would be tidily soaked off of them.

Same deal with these other dirt-common European issues:


Meanwhile, it is Independence Day in the Infinite Art Tournament's home county, the United States of America, so perhaps some patriotic imagery is in order.

Enjoy the day!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Wednesday Post

Three Postcards From a Hypothetical Road Trip
Recent Gifts of independent art critic Candida Nashe

Holiday Inn
22900 Michigan Avenue
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Phone: 278-4800 -- AC: 313

Situated on the bank of the Rouge River in close proximity to Ford Motor Company, Greenfield Village and Museum.  Facilities consist of 333 rooms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, children's playground, sauna, whirlpool, grille room, dining room, cocktail lounge and meeting rooms for 400 persons.

This hotel no longer exists, having been replaced by the Dearborn Plaza Shopping Center, a long low-rise mini-mall anchored by a Krogers.  The running track in the upper left, however, is still present.


Late afternoon sunlight falls over a golden hued landscape at East Andover, New Hampshire.

South of the Border
Highway 301 and 501, Dillon, S.C.

pedro's Famous Restaurant .  .  .  .  more than 3 million delighted guests since 1951 . . .  open 24 hours EVERY Day.

Mrs.5000 tells me that pedro's Famous Restaurant is indeed famous through aggressive roadside advertising, "the Wall Drug of the East Coast."


None of this week's postcards are available for sending.  If you would like to have a boring postcard delivered to your own home, you may demand your card in the comments or at InfiniteArtTournament ~at~ gmail.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's the Book Arts!

an occasional Thursday feature highlighting the work of Mrs.5000 and other fabulous book artists.

"Studio Cards"
Laura Davidson, 2010

Regular Playing Card Size
Deck of Cards in box.

The Studio Cards are a relatively recent acquisition in the Michael5000 Book Arts Collection, having been a Christmas gift from Mrs.5000.  They constitute a eminently serviceable deck of standard playing cards, but with each card individually "drawn from the visual language of Boston book artist Laura Davidson."

Each suit is also associated with a theme.  Spades are very specifically birds; hearts are trees, stones, and other natural items; diamonds are buildings and architecture; and clubs are vases, cups, and other containers.

Naturally the trouble with this kind of thing is that, although it is ostensibly for playing card games with, one hates to scuff or bend the 54 little objets d'art.  I think I'm going to play a round or two of solitaire with my deck today, though, just to authenticate the deck of cards as a deck of cards.  I'm like that.

If you wanted a deck of your own, or are shopping early for Christmas for your own husband, there are purchasing instructions here.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Wednesday Post

Unremarkable Greetings
Gifts of sister jen, Christmas 2011


This building provides office, lodge, recreation and banquet rooms beautifully furnished and equipped, for local Masonic orders.

In the Copper Country of Michigan's Upper Peninsula

In the distance can be seen Lake Superior, Lake Fanny Hooe, and Keweenaw Park Cottages.

[Written on back: Wed, Oct. 4, 1967]

C.N.R. BRIDGE, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan -- 4

Saturday [July 14, 1941]

2 am up and around and feel good...  geting fat.  p.a. is a beautiful city.  We plan to go to Waskesiu about Wednesday.  Write to us there general del.  address: Waskesiu, Sask., Prince Albert Park


Hello to all.

Large Striped Bass Have Been Caught Here on the Annapolis River


Near Annapolis Royal a dam with a causeway has been constructed at the eastern end of Annapolis Basin.  Flood gates control the height of water on the east side and the exciting action of the reversing tides may be viewed here.  The tidal flow through the narrow opening causes a loud roar and produces the white foam seen in this picture.  Since a fishway allows the fish to travel the river without hindrance, fishing the striped bass is a popular sport on the Annapolis River.

State Capitol, Bismarck, N. Dak.

12-14-45 [postmark: Nov 14, 1945]

Dear Catherine,

This is a building in which I have been working while here.  From it you can see for miles across the state and see the Missouri river winds its crooked way toward the Mississippi.



If you would like to receive "West Bluff of Brockway Mountain Drive," complete with cheerful message and anachronistic postage, send your name and mailing address to our new email address, InfiniteArtTournament@[The popular email service that rhymes with "female"].

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Wednesday Post

Explore the American West!
Gifts of BiggestSister5000, Christmas 2011


Waves of the restless Pacific advance and break in endless procession along the beach near Malaga Cove, in south Renondo Beach near Palos Verdes Estates.  GW2126

 632.  Smoke Trees on the Desert

1/26[/1989]  so wait, here's another attempt at postcard communications - just got off the phone with beth - how I wish I'd been to portugal with you both - maybe we can have a slide show?  I was just in LA to visit an east coast friend but maybe I can manage another trip.  if you come up here to see j.r., call me.  I need adventures!  xo kathy


Dec 1 [1956]

Dear Irene -- We are enjoying our trip very much.  Uncle Johnnie & Bob went swimming today.  It was a nice heated pool.  The sun is real warm, feels like summer.  Maybe someday you will come down this way for a trip, but I don't think you would want to live here. (I am writing in the car)  Hope you like the picture of the Indian Maids.  Love,  Uncle John, Auntie Alice, Bob & Nancy


Looking west along Ocean Boulevard toward the Central Business and Hotel District.  In the distance are Wilmington and the Palos Verdes Hills on the left; storage tanks of oil refineries are seen at the far right.

Boulder Dam at Night

Feb 25 '45

My dears, Read your lovely letter and will write tues, after I get a letter from John.  I wrote you all about the nice place and I have already sent one letter to John and will send Air mail [?] Mom and he sure will get it Fri.  so anxious to know what time he arrives next Sun.  Love for now Carolyn.

(Second handwriting): Love 2

 Highway thru Granite Dells near Prescott, Arizona



If you would like to receive "Long Beach, California" or "Redondo Beach, California," complete with cheerful message and anachronistic postage, send your name and mailing address to our new email address, InfiniteArtTournament@[The popular email service that rhymes with "female"].  Update: "Long Beach, California" has been claimed, and the new email address works.