Cast votes for up to four of this week's slate of seven artists by Saturday, November 27. For clarifications, consult the Ladder of Art FAQ.
Last Week's Results
1. De Hooch: 7
2. Van Scorel: 5
3. Rodchenko: 4
4. Mucha: 3
4. Orpen: 3
4. Hodler: 3
7. Dove: 1
This Week's Contest
Jan van Scorel
1495 - 1562
Tournament Record: Placed 233rd. Defeated Sebastiano del Piombo, lost to Schwitters, beat Schad and Schongauer, lost to Seurat. 26 votes for, 28 against (.481).
- Placed Second, Week #112
Alexander Rodchenko
1891 - 1956
Tournament Record: Placed 234th. Defeated Rodin, lost to Orpen and Romney. 13 votes for, 14 against (.481).
- Placed Third, Week #112
Childe Hassam
1859 - 1935
Tournament Record: Placed 240th. Defeated Hartung and Hepworth, lost to Hals and Greuze. 29 votes for, 32 against (.474).
- Tied for First, Week #111
Alphonse Mucha
1860 - 1939
Tournament Record: Placed 236th. Defeated Munch and Murillo, lost to Rockwell and Morisot. 22 votes for, 24 against (.478).
- Tied for Third, Week #111
- Tied for Fourth, Week #112
Sir William Orpen
1878 - 1931
Tournament Record: Placed 241st. Tied with van Ostade, upset Mondrian, beat Rodchenko, lost to Rosa and Renoir. 28 votes for, 31 against (.475).
- Tied for Second in Week #109
- Tied for First in Week #110
- Tied for Fourth in Week #111
Ferdinand Hodler
1853 - 1918
Tournament Record: Placed 275th. Defeated Hans Hofmann, tied with Hockney, beat Goya, Lost to Hiroshige and Homer. 28 votes for, 34 against (.452).
- Placed First, Weeks #94, 96, and 98
- Tied for First, Week #100
- Placed First, Week #102, 104, and 106
- Placed First again, Week #108
- Tied for First, Week #110
- Tied for Fourth, Week #111
William Merritt Chase
1849 - 1916
Tournament Record:Tied for 439th. Beaten by Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin and Christo. 6 votes for, 14 votes against (.300).
Tournament Record:Tied for 439th. Beaten by Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin and Christo. 6 votes for, 14 votes against (.300).
- Placed Second, Week #26
- Tied for First, Week #27
- Placed First, Week #29
- Placed First, Week #31
- Tied for Second, Week #33
- Tied for Second again, Week #34
- Tied for First, Week #35
- Placed First, Weeks #37, 39, & 41
- Tied for First in Week #43
- Placed First, Weeks #45, 47, 49 & 51
- Placed First again in Week #53. He took his bye in Week #54, and then waited a few weeks for the Ladder to catch back up to him.
- Placed First in Week #57
- Tied for First in Week #59
- Placed First in Week #61
- Tied for First in Week #63
- Placed First in Week #65
- Placed Second in Week #67
- Tied for First in Week #68
- First Place, Week #70
- Tied for First in Week #72
- Placed First, Weeks #74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84 & 86
- Tied for Second, Week #88
- Placed First, Week #89
- Placed First, Week #91
- Tied for First, Week #93
- Placed First, Weeks #95, 97, 99, 101
- Tied for First, Week #103
- Placed Second, Week #105
- Tied for Second, Week #106
- Tied for First, Week #107
- Back to placing First, Week #109
- Tied for First, Week #111
Cast up to four votes in the comments by Saturday morning!
I'll say van Scorel, Orpen, Hodler, and Hassam. I always liked Chase, but am well over a year into serious Chase fatigue. It is impossible to know how he might fare as fresh talent.
Hassam, Hodler, Chase, and van Scorel.
Hodler, Chase, and Mucha. Vote against Orpen.
hassam, mucha, chase and hodler. I love how reall chases painting look. I like hodlers landscapes and colors. I love muchas reality and emotion. and I love hassams color and feelings.
In case it's not too late, I'll submit my vote for Mucha, Orpen, and Chase.
Give me Orpen. I like both his. In that first one it's a painting of a painting in someone's house with post it notes on the wall, and I like it. Then the chef is like, "F these steaks. I'm not cooking it. F it. I'll just put them in the microwave and drink all this wine."
To show how up-to-date I am, I see that Patrick sent some votes on November 27:
Rodchenko.* (Ардын Хувьсгал Мандтугай!)
Mucha. (би цэцэгт дуртай.)
Chase. (мэдээж.)
Orpen. (сайн зогсдог эрчүүд.)
* The funny colored poster has words on it. In the two top lines, the words advertise that there have been and are no better suckers (pacifiers). The second line says that they (maybe—the gender and/or number are wrong but don't agree with anything else either) are ready to be sucked on until you are old. (Until agèd years.) In the fourth line, we learn that they are sold everywhere, and the fifth line says Rezinotrest. (Rezinotrest is I think a consortium of rubber [rezin] companies or a council for rubber production in the early Soviet Union.) I'm pretty sure there is some of joke here as the things in the mouth area of the figure appear to be silhouettes of various armaments/ammunitions, and the hands look like cartoon explosions/muzzle flashes. I'll be cornswalloped though if I knew what it is all about. Но вот где собака зарыта. (The joke sadly can have nothing to do with the potential pun in English on pacifier in relation to making war because in Russian the things are just called suckers, i.e., things you suck on.)
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