This Left Bracket Fourth Round Match is between Diego Rivera (4-1, 36-24, .600) and Henri Rousseau (3-1-1, 30-29, .508). Leaving the Tournament is Auguste Renoir (4-2-2, 56-44, .560).
Diego Rivera
1886 - 1957
- Crushed Luca Della Robbia in Round 1.
- Beat José de Ribera in Round 2 by a two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Lost a squeaker to some cat named Rembrandt in Round 3.
- Beat Auguste Rodin in the Left Bracket Third Round by another two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Beat Renoir by just a single vote in a Left Bracket Third Round Elimination. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Henri Rousseau
1844 - 1910
- Crushed sculptor Louis François Roubiliac in Round 1.
- Tied with Rubens in Round 2. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Got by his contemporary and compatriot Alfred Sisley in Round 2 by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Edged by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in Round 3 by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Crushed by John Singer Sargent in Round 4 by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Fourth-round matches are open for at least three months after posting.
Rivera for me, I think.
Lawrence votes for Rivera on FB.
Interesting match up. Although I love some of Rousseau's stuff, Rivera seems more powerful and plain talented.
I find this to be a hard decision. Both are interesting and distinctive but neither I love. I'll go for Rivers based on his murals.
Susan votes for H. Rousseau.
I'll go for Rivera here. Rousseau gets on my nerves.
Hmmmm. Yeah, I'll go with Rivera. Somewhat to my surprise.
Rivera coasts to an easy victory here, with eight votes against H. Rousseau's two. I believe this is one of those lopsided totals where a lot of voters could have swung either way. Sometimes those end up badly, at least for the losers.
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