This Left Bracket Fourth Round Match pits Alfred Sisley (4-1, 30-24, .555) against Salvator Rosa (3-1, 25-17, .675). Leaving the Tournament is Jacob van Ruisdael (4-2, 37-31, .544).
Alfred Sisley
1839 - 1899
- Beat David Alfaro Siqueiros in Round 1.
- Tied with Michiel Sittow in Round 2. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Lost to Henri Rousseau in the Round 2 Tiebreaker.
- Upset Mark Rothko by a wide margin in the Left Bracket Second Round.
- Beat Théodore Rousseau in Left Bracket Second Round Elimination.
- Got past Rachel Ruysch in the Left Bracket Third Round.
- Beat Jacob van Ruisdael in a Left Bracket Third Round Elimination Grudge Match.
Salvator Rosa
1615 - 1673
- Beat George Romney easily in Round 1.
- Defeated American James Rosenquist in Round 2.
- Won easily against Sir William Orpen in Round 3.
- Crushed by Rembrandt in Round 4.
Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Fourth-round matches are open for at least three months after posting.
Sisley, though Rosa is kind of hot.
I think Rosa's the better artist, but upon reflection I decided I'd be more sad to see Sisley leave the tournament, so my vote goes to Sisley.
I always go for the more intense emotional experience. In my view that's Rosa.
Although I like both, I think it might be time for both to leave the tourney. I guess I'll go with Rosa.
Susan votes for Sisley.
Sisley for me. Rosa doesn't really fire my rocket.
The goth Rosa
And Sisley takes the contest, six votes to four! He'll head into Elimination Round against Rivera for the chance to take on Charles Sheeler down the road.
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