This Left Bracket Fourth Round Match is between Berthe Morisot (5-1, 39-28, .582) and Giovanni Paolo Pannini (3-1, 32-20, .615). Leaving the Tournament after falling to Morisot is the Master of Moulins (4-2-1, 38-33, .535).
Berthe Morisot
1841 - 1895
- Defeated Giovanni Battista Moroni in Round 1 by a two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!
- Lost to Gustave Moreau in Round 2 by a two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Beat Henry Moore by a single vote in the Left Bracket Second Round. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!!!
- Beat Fernand Léger in Left Bracket Second Round Elimination by a wide margin.
- Snuck by Alphonse Mucha by a single vote in the Left Bracket Third Round. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Beat the Master of Moulins in Left Bracket Third Round Elimination by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Giovanni Paolo Pannini
1692ish - 1765
- Defeated Parmigianino easily in the Toasted Cheese Sandwich Bowl.
- Skunked Palma Vecchio in Round 2.
- Squeaked past José Clemente Orozco in Round 3 by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Lost to Georgia O'Keeffe in Round 4.