This is the last of the Round Four matches!
Andrew Wyeth
1917 - 2009
- Defeated Jack Butler Yeats in Round 1.
- Crushed fellow American Grant Wood in Round 2.
- Trounced Frederic Leighton in Round 3.
1475 - 1564
- Beat Sir John Everett Millais by a single vote in Round 1. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Beat Spanish painter Joan Miró in Round 2.
- Tied with Gabriel Metsu in his first try at Round 3. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Overcame Velázquez in a second try at Round 3.
Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Fourth-round matches are open for at least three months after posting.
My mind says Michelangelo, but my heart says Wyeth. I'll go Wyeth.
"I definitely go with Michelangelo. They are just more complex." Elliott
My heart says Wyeth, and also my mind.
Not a fan of either, to be honest. But Michelangelo, mostly for his sculpture.
On the FB feed, we've got two for Wyeth and one for Mike.
Wyeth has been growing on me, and I don't think I've always voted for Michelangelo, but I'm feeling Michelangelic today.
Oh, definitely Michelangelo. Elliott's comment is spot on. I love Wyeth, too, but you know, it's like comparing apples and apple orchards.
Susan votes Michelangelo.
Wyeth's great. I vote Michelangelo without hesitation.
Uh, Michelangelo. Wyeth is great and all, but he's no Michelangelo.
Michelangelo, one of your leading household-name artists, has had a tie and several close matches, but he still hasn't managed to lose a round yet. Here he is dispatching Andrew Wyeth, despite a hometown crowd of mostly Unitedstatsian voters -- but only by a single vote! A thrilling finish to the Fourth Round of the Infinite Art Tournament!
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