M. C. Escher
1898 - 1972
- Tied for First in Phase 1, Flight 4 of the Play-In Tournament.
- Placed Third in Phase 2, Flight 4 of the Play-In Tournament.
- Won a spot in the Main Tournament Brackets away from Bill Viola in the first "Fight for Their Right" Contest.
- Beat Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun in Round 1.
- Trounced Maurice de Vlaminck in Round 2.
- Trounced Édouard Vuillard in Round 3.
Rogier Van der Weyden
1399ish - 1464
- Came from behind to beat Benjamin West in Round 1.
- Came from way behind to take down Whistler in Round 2.
- Beat John William Waterhouse easily in Round 3.
Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Fourth-round matches are open for at least three months after posting.
Van der Weyden
Nah mate, who are you kidding, it's Escher.
Hmmmm.... Struggling here. There's only one Escher (that I'm aware of) and I love his absurd mathematical art. But his art doesn't take your breath away, like some of Weyden's do for me. I think I have to go with Weyden.
Wow, I'm struggling. It's so hard not to see Escher through the eyes of myself as a kid, stupefied at the visual paradoxes. And frankly the first three Van der Weydens aren't doing it for me. But the fourth is blowing my mind with its vivid clarity and depth and the way that other characters look more dead than Jesus does.
But, you know, Escher... Yeah, let's go with the later Dutch artist.
I'm happy Escher has made it this far, but oh, definitely Van der Weyden.
Susan votes Van der Weyden.
It's kind of a travesty that Escher, one of the great artists of the 20th century, is absent from a lot of books on 20th century art. But that doesn't mean he get's my vote against Van der Weyden. It's the old guy for me in this match.
Two FB votes for Escher!
And a third!
Voters, I hereby declare the Fourth Round closed.... and Escher, an outsider to the fine arts community and a Play-In artist who only made it to the main Tournament through a corrective process for a procedural error is UNDEFEATED AFTER FOUR! With five votes, Van der Weyden heads left to wait for the competition to catch up; with eight votes, Escher stays on the right to take on the inconsistent powerhouse that is Michelangelo. Out in the hallway the women go! We'll see what happens next.
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