"Semifinals" designates the Fourth to Seventh Rounds of the Infinite Art Tournament. This is a Left Bracket Fourth Round Match between Paula Rego (4-1, 30-24, .555) and Camille Pissarro (3-1, 28-14, .666). Leaving the Tournament is Odelon Redon (4-2, 37-23, .617).
Paula Rego
Born 1935
- Demolished Ad Reinhardt in Round 1.
- Nicked Odilon Redon by a single vote in Round 2. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Stomped by Raphael in Round 3.
- Snuck by Ljubov Popova by a two-vote swing in the Left Bracket Third Round. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
- Odilon Redon by a single vote, again, in a Left Bracket Third Round Elimination Grudge Match. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Camille Pissarro
1831 - 1903
Caribbean-born; French
- Lambasted Andrea Pisano in Round 1.
- Came from behind to beat 15th century master Pisanello in Round 2.
- Won easily against Jackson Pollack in Round 3.
- Lost to Patenier in Round 4 by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Fourth-round matches are open for at least three months after posting.
Tough -- it's very close, I like both a lot. Pissarro.
There's a pair of FB votes for Rego.
O Pissarro
Oooooh.... this is a tough 'un. I'll vote Rego, for an original version and narrative interest, but I love Pissaro and won't be too cut up if he wins.
Pissarro. I like the colors.
Susan votes for Pissaro.
Pissarro for me.
Rego falls out of the Tournament after an awesome 4-2 run, losing to Pissaro by five votes against eight. Pissaro will continue onwards to take on Picasso.
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