The Brackets!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Through History With the New Monday Quiz: the 1360s

So, let's see.  When were we?

1. In the 1360s, the Yuan Dynasty fell and was replaced by the Ming Dynasty. This can be described as a native overthrow of what foreign overlords?

2. The “First Peace” in the Hundred Year’s War lasted from 1360 to 1369, meaning that this decade was relatively free of battles between what two countries?

3. In 1362, Öræfajökull erupted explosively, shooting out huge volumes of tephra and destroying the district of Litla-Hérað, which would not be resettled by humans for more than 40 years. In what modern country did this calamity occur?

4. Urban V, who was Pope from 1362 to 1370, was the first Pope in sixty years to visit Rome. Where was the Papal seat that he had to leave in order to make this visit?

5. Cultural Change in Britain: On October 13, 1362, the Chancellor of England opened Parliament with a speech that was different from previous such speeches in an important way. What was new about his speech?

6. In the first war between the Vijaynagra Empire and the Bahmani Sultanate, which lasted from 1362 to 1366, some sources say that there were more than a million soldiers in the field. The Sultan’s troops pushed south almost to the city of Vijaynagar early in the conflict, but was then forced into gradual retreat; eventually, the Vijaynagran leadership was able to buy peace in exchange for tribute. And now you know something about the medieval history of what country?

7. To the east of the Holy Roman Empire, meanwhile, Grand Duke Algirdas brought his country to the peak of its power. By 1363, it extended from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and in the late 1360s Algirdas would twice lay siege to Moscow. Of what country was Algirdas the Grand Duke?

8. In 1368, the Ming embarked on a massive engineering project to consolidate their victory. The basic idea had been tried many times before, but this time they put a lot of resources into it, and it worked fairly well. Parts of the structure are still around today. What’s it called?

9. One of the most important guys of the 1360s was Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Italy, and – as of 1365 – King of Burgundy. He rebuilt Prague as his capital, founding Charles University there. Through all of this, he made his original kingdom into a powerful state, granting it more territories and making it the “central force in German imperial geopolitics.” Never, though, did he give it a seacoast. Of what country – you’ve heard of it, even though it isn’t a country today – was Charles originally the king?

10. When you read about the mid-1300s, you run into a lot of references to “The Black Prince.” Who, roughly, was the Black Prince?

Through History with The New Monday Quiz: the 1350s

1. Switzerland
2. Mali
3. China and the Mongols
4. The incredible expanding Ottomans
5. The Decameron
6. The Holy Roman Empire
7. Portugal
8. The Hanseatic League
9. The Shroud of Turin
10. b.

And the winner was, and still is, Susan.


  1. 1. Those Darn Mongols
    2. England and France
    3. Iceland
    4. Avignon
    5. It was in English
    6. India
    7. Um...Lithuania?
    8. The Great Wall of China
    9. Um...Bavaria?
    10. Some English dude...Edward Somethingorother.

  2. Excited to get back into the tradition of getting most of these wrong!

    1. The Mongols?
    2. I think that's England and France
    3. Sounds like Iceland to me.
    4. It's Avignon, right?
    5. Hoo boy. It didn't mention the monarch?
    6. India?
    7. Lithuania?
    8. Ooh, is this the Great Wall?
    9. Bohemia?
    10. Death?

  3. Why not?

    1. The Mongols
    2. England and France
    3. Iceland
    4. No idea
    5. It was in English
    6. India
    7. Lithuania
    8. Great Wall of China
    9. It's been a very long time since AP European History.
    10. I'm sure I knew this once because it sounds vaguely familiar. But I read A Distant Mirror at approximately the same time as my AP European History class, so.

  4. 1. Mongols
    2. England and France
    3. Iceland
    4. Avignon
    5. It was in English
    6. India?
    7. Lithuania
    8. Great Wall of China. Did they get the Mongols to pay for it?
    9. Prussia?
    10. ??

  5. 1. Manchu
    2. England and France
    3. Iceland
    4. Avignon, France
    5. In English
    6. India
    7. Lithuania
    8. Grand Canal
    9. Bohemia
    10. Heir to throne of England, can't remember his name

  6. 1 - The Mongols
    2 -
    3 - Iceland
    4 - Avignon
    5 - Speech in English, not Norman French
    6 - India
    7 - Ukraine/Kievan Rus
    8 - Great Wall of China
    9 -
    10 - The Prince who would become King Edward IV

  7. Not too late yet??

    1. Mongols
    2. Mongols. No, wait. dunno...Holy Roman Empire and France?
    3. Öræfajökull? Iceland obvsly.
    4. Avignon?
    5. was in English?
    6. India
    7. Poland? Or Lithuania. Let's say Poland.
    8. Great Wall
    9. Ummmm...Bohemia?
    10. A claimant/pretender type to the English throne

  8. Looking at other answers, England and France of course, doh. I was thinking of some other war named after a number of years...


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