The Brackets!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round Four Tiebreak Do-Over: Kandinsky v. Benton!

In the Third Thursday contest which began last week, voter Matt Reilly had the effrontery to allege that one of the images in the contest was attributed to the wrong artist.  Now, I want to make it clear that I am in no way holding Matt's little allegation against him.  Not per se.  He was merely doing what he thought was right at the time.  

Unfortunately, he was correct.

And that's why we are starting over in the Kandinsky/Benton match.  It's a DO-OVER!!  If you had already voted last week, please take a fresh look at the images before casting your new vote.

According to plan, the third Thursday of December was to be the Fifth Round match between the winners of Leonardo/Lissitsky and Benton/Goldsworthy.  But!  The Benton/Goldsworthy match ended in a tie.  So what we're going to do today is launch (again) the first half of the tiebreaker that pits Benton and Goldsworthy against the artists in our other Round 4 tie, Kandinsky and Klee.  We'll do Klee/Goldsworthy at the regularly scheduled Round 4 spot in February, after which everything should calm down and get back to normal.

Wassily Kandinsky
1866 - 1944
Russian; worked internationally

Thomas Hart Benton
1889 - 1975


  1. Benton, a bit more strongly now because I didn't really like the one that wasn't by him

  2. Kandinsky. Benton seems too sedate without the crazy Curry mural.

  3. I seem to be alone in detesting the folksy surreal-for-no-particular reason Benton. And I love Kandinsky.

  4. OMG POWER MATCH!! I am very fond of Kandinsky, and would almost certainly of voted for him if the crazy Curry mural was still in there. But throw in that elegant guitarist, and the whole shebang just makes me want to run out and vote for FDR. I can't do that, alas, so I'll vote for THB instead.

  5. Yeah, I kinda thought of Benton as too cartoony, but then I saw his mural-room at the Met, which is wonderful, and then I spent way too much time asking myself questions about that oh-so-improbable train wreck, which turns out to be the Ole ', pretty surprised to see our household voting against Kandinsky on this one, but I'll join in.

  6. Susan votes for Benton. "No contest for me - I'm a bent-out-of-shape Benton fan."

  7. Bent-out-of-shape Benton fan Susan can have the satisfaction of casting the clinching vote, as Benton continues his Cinderella story by winning the Tiebreaker six votes to five and continuing to the Fifth Round! Kandinsky stays alive, of course, and will soon take his chances against the winner of Kupka and Ghirlandaio.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.