The Brackets!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Semi-Finals: Courbet v. Caravaggio!

"Semifinals" designates the Fourth to Seventh Rounds of the Infinite Art Tournament.  This is a Left Bracket Fourth Round Elimination Match.  It pairs Gustave Courbet (6-1, 50-37, .574) and Caravaggio (4-1-1, 55-30, .647). Leaving the Tournament are Diebenkorn (3-2, 37-35, .514) and Braque (4-2, 38-37, .507).

Gustave Courbet
1819 - 1877

1571 - 1610


  1. Oh, certainly Caravaggio over Courbet. Fond farewells to Diebenkorn and Braque.

  2. An interesting match up. Courbet really has a lot of pictures quite different from each other that I like, while I'm not a fan of many of Caravaggio's departures from chiaroscuro. But the Caravaggio's I like, wow- they are some of my favorite paintings ever. I'll go with Caravaggio and his much higher ceiling.

  3. Caravaggio has shrunk on me a little during this Tournament, and Courbet hasn't taken up the slack in my heart. I kind of miss The Dieb' and Braque. But I think boonec is right, when Caravaggio is good, he's very very good. Caravaggio and high ceilings!

  4. I really like Courbet, and I will vote Caravaggio

  5. Susan says "Courbet all the way."

  6. Caravaggio any day of the week.

  7. It happens to be Sunday, and Caravaggio takes the contest with seven votes against Courbet's four. Caravaggio will take on his next challenge, a match against Frederick Church, this coming Thursday, as March Madness 2018 continues!

  8. An alert vote auditor has caught DrSchnell red-handed in a brazen attempt at double voting. Shame, DrSchnell, shame! This means that Courbet only for four votes, and minor adjustments must be made to the Tournament records. Don't worry, I'm on it.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.