The Brackets!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Through History With the New Monday Quiz: the 1340s

You think you've got problems?  Try living in the 1340s! 

1. “Cities… such as Cahokia, Kincaid and Moundville went into an accelerated state of decline in this decade,” according to some sources. Where were these places?

2. On June 24, 1340, the English fleet virtually destroyed the French navy at The Battle of Sluys, one of the first episodes of a very long conflict that has come to be called the _________________.

On St. George's Night (April 23) 1343, a signal was given by setting fire to a house on a hilltop for a coordinated attack on the foreigners in Harria. The plan was to “kill all the Germans along with their wives and children. And so it happened, because they started to slay virgins, women, servants, maidservants, noblemen and commoners, young and old; all, who were of German blood, had to die.”
This was an ultimately unsuccessful attempt by Estonians to get rid of their Livonian overlords. In addition to the usual complaints, what particular cultural imposition did the Estonians resent?

4. In 1347, Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah established the Bahmani Empire on the Deccan plateau with his capital in the city now called Gulbarga. For the next couple of centuries, Bahmani would be one of the most important medieval kingdoms of __________.

5. Starting in the second half of the decade,
The trend of recent research is pointing to… 45–50% of the European population dying during a four-year period. There is a fair amount of geographic variation. In Mediterranean Europe, areas such as Italy, the south of France and Spain… it was probably closer to 75–80% of the population. In Germany and England ... it was probably closer to 20%.

What was happening?

In men and women alike it first betrayed itself by the emergence of certain tumours in the groin or armpits, some of which grew as large as a common apple, others as an egg...From the two said parts of the body this deadly gavocciolo soon began to propagate and spread itself in all directions indifferently; after which the form of the malady began to change, black spots or livid making their appearance in many cases on the arm or the thigh or elsewhere, now few and large, now minute and numerous. As the gavocciolo had been and still was an infallible token of approaching death, such also were these spots on whomsoever they showed themselves.
What was this terrible unpleasantness?

7. From 1348 to 1350, more than 500 Jewish communities in northern Europe were either slaughtered or, in a few cases, committed suicide to avoid slaughter. Why?

8. Meanwhile, Charles University was founded in 1348. It’s still in operation today, with about 50,000 students, and is considered an elite world University and the most prestigious in its country. Famous alumni include Famous alumni include Jan Hus, Milan Kundera, and Rainier Rilke. In what city is it located?

9. Clement VI officially condemned the Flagellants in a bull of October 20, 1349. What’s a Flagellant?

10. In 1349, its south outer wall collapsed in an earthquake, generating a real bonanza of pre-cut stone for the local contractors. But the building still stands. See? What’s it called, and where is it located?

Through History with The New Monday Quiz: the 1330s

1. "Battle of Velbazhd" -- a. The Serbians defeated the Bulgarian army and advanced on Macedonia
2. the emperor fails to take real power -- Japan.
3. Amda Seyon I, emperor of Christian Ethiopia.
4. The fortress on the Moscow River is called a "Kremlin."
5. History of the Realm of Romania is the history of the Latin Empire of Constantinople.
6. China had an awful famine from 1333 to 1337.
7. George V the Brilliant was one of the great kings of Georgia.
8. In 1334, in Hubei, The Black Death enters the historical record.
9. Nicomedia was taken from the Byzantines by the Ottomans.
10. The Effects of Good Government still (I think) graces the walls of city hill in Sienna.

Summertime, and people are outside enjoying fun in the sun and neglecting their historical studies.  Honor students pfly and Susan made it to class. pfly defends his Historian of the Week laurels, and catches another fleeting glimpse of Laura reflected in the window, the torment of which he will cherish forever, or at least until next week.


  1. 7. There had been a societal bias against the Jews for centuries
    9. Flagellants hit themselves for religious reasons.
    10. The Colosseum, Rome

  2. 1. The USA - various sites from mound-building folk
    2. 100 Years War
    3. Christianity?
    4. India
    5. the plague
    6. hmmm.. that also sounds bubonic plague-y
    7. other than long-term anti-semitism among Europeans? How about - they were being blamed for the plague.
    8. Prague. Not to be confused with plague.
    9. an order/sect of Catholics who go around whipping themselves to show remorse for sins.
    10. Colosseum, in Rome

  3. 1 - US Midwest -- near the Mississippi
    2 - Hundred Years War
    3 - Being forced to speak German
    4 - India
    5-6 -- I'm sure 6 is Black Plague. But is 5 also??
    7 - Being blamed for causing the Black Plague
    8 - Prague
    9 - Atoning for sins by self-mutilation
    10 - Roman Coloseum
    Susan The 1340s - Mostly Black Plague most of the time.

  4. Wait, I've already forgotten who Laura is. Hmm. when my kiddos are fighting and hitting each other and screaming and making me crazy I should remind myself I could be living in the 1340s. I'll try that.

    1. In what's now the United States. Specifically in the general St. Louis area, along the lower Ohio River, etc. iirc Moundville is in southernmost Illinois. I drove through it once (or was that Mounds? I always confuse Mounds and Moundville). It was pretty bleak.
    2. Very long, eh? Sounds like the Hundred Year War.
    3. Was it attempts to convert to Christianity?
    4. India.
    5. That Black Death thing, I presume.
    6. "deadly gavocciolo" will be my new insult. "Oh yea, well ur *face* is a deadly gavocciolo!" Anyway, this must be more Black Death.
    7. Um...they were being blamed for the Black Death?
    8. I doubt I could have guessed without those alumni names, which are awfully Czech, which reminds me isn't that famous bridge in Prague called the "Charles Bridge" or something? So yea, Prague?
    9. Flagellants in a Bull is an awesome band. Isn't "flagellants" like people who hurt themselves on purpose for religious reasons?
    10. Looks like the Colleseum in Rome, or however you spell it. I've been there too. It was a bit nicer than Moundville.


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