The Brackets!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Through History with The New Monday Quiz: the 1300s

This is a quiz about the DECADE of the 1300s.  If you want a quiz about the CENTURY of the 1300s, that means you're probably pretty cool.  What you can do is, take this quiz and the subsequent nine; that will constitute a nice, long, cozy quiz about the Fourteenth Century.     

1. At their zenith, they covered most of the modern Italian regions of Lazio (which includes Rome), Marche, Umbria and Romagna, and portions of Emilia.  In 1300, they were fully independent of the Holy Roman Empire to the north, and of the kingdoms of Sicily to the south. And they would stick around until 1871. These (or arguably "it") were (or arguably "was") the _________________.

2. The Tabula Rogeriana world map was compiled in the 1150s by al-Idrisi, but this version from about 1300 is the oldest surviving copy. What direction is up, and how can you tell?

3. Around this decade, the Avoirdupois system was taken up in Britain. What’s the Avoirdupois system?

4. In or around the 1300s, the Tuareg established a state centered on Agadez. Agadez would become an important destination for salt caravans, from its founding all the way up until… well, it still is, to an extent. About where is Agadez? Full marks for the region, bonus marks for the modern country.

5. Roger de Flor, one of the first prominent Condottieri, founded the Catalan Company in the first half of the decade. What must have been the business of the Catalan Company?

6. Robert the Bruce became King on March 25, 1306. King of where?

7. On July 7, 1307, Edward II became King of England. One of the first things he did was to appoint his best friend Piers Gaveston as Earl of Cornwall. Then he arranged for Gaveston to marry his niece, and threw a big tournament in Gaveston’s honor! How did this all work out for Mr. Gaveston?

Officially endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church around 1129, the Order became a favoured charity throughout Christendom and grew rapidly in membership and power. ...In their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, [they] were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades. Non-combatant members of the Order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom, innovating financial techniques that were an early form of banking, and building fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.

[Their] existence was tied closely to the Crusades; when the Holy Land was lost, support for the Order faded. ....King Philip IV of France, deeply in debt to the Order, took advantage of the situation. In 1307, many of the Order's members in France were arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and then burned at the stake. Shortly thereafter, the order was disbanded.

That’s a thumbnail history of the _______________.

9. In 1309, Pope Clement moved his operations from Rome to another city, thus throwing a monkey wrench into the gears of European political life for decades to come. In what city did Clement V set up shop?

10. In the 1300s, the tallest human-built structure in the world had held its record for 3860 years. It’s still around today, and you’ve certainly heard of it. But, wow, 3860 years! What is this very tall building?

Through History with The New Monday Quiz: the 1290s

1. Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden joined to become the nucleus of Switzerland.
2. Al-Ashraf Khalil's rampage wasn't so much the end of the crusading so much as the end of The Crusader Kingdoms, including The Kingdom of Jerusalem.  (As a chunk of land, anyway: titular Kings of Jerusalem would knock around for ages to come.)
3. That mosaic is an Annunciation.  Gabriel is giving Mary the big news, while the Holy Spirit (usually shown as a dove, occasionally as a sparkle) descends on a cartoon-like line from God (shown here underwhelmingly as the little guy on the top margin).
4. Ngoen Yang, Hariphunchai, and Lanna are pretty tough if you aren't up on medieval Southeast Asian history, but Chiang Mai is in Thailand!
5. The Majapahit Empire is pretty tough if you aren't up on medieval Southeast Asian history, but Java is the core island of Indonesia!
6. After Celestine V, the next time a Pope resigned was 2013.
7. La Vita Nuova was the first big hit for Dante.
8. The Grimaldis are the sovereigns of Monaco.
9. The Battle of Stirling Bridge put Scotland up 1-0 over England.  But there was a lot of time left on the game clock.
10. Osman I was firing up The Ottoman Empire.

EVERYBODY WAS SO RIGHT!!!  Christine M and gS49 were the very rightest.  The Owl is going to kick himself. 


  1. 1. The Papal Staes?
    2. South, Saudi Arabia is upside down. Mecca is in the center top, so probably that was on purpose.
    3. Weights (Pound, ounce, etc)
    4. Somewhere in Algeria?
    5. Working for Catalonia?
    6. Scotland
    7. I don't know, but given the usual Medieval English story, not well.
    8. Knights Templar?
    9. Avignon
    10. Great Pyramid of Cheops/Khufu

  2. I'm kicking, I'm kicking...
    1. Definitely the Papal States.
    2. South is up. This is definitely an Arabic map because the grid goes right to left...Wait, there's a grid in a map from the early 1300's? Whoa! Anyways, the shape of the Med and middle East is unmistakable. I wonder if this map is deliberately centered on Mecca?
    3. They're the mass units that we call the Imperial ones these days, methinks.
    4. Tuareg hail from somewhere in Northern Africa and the Sahara...I'm hoping Algeria because Algeria is a big place, but the Sahara is even bigger.
    5. Fighting for money. The man was a merc.
    6. Unless he only became King of a bit of it, I think the answer you're looking for is Scotland.
    7. The name is familiar, but I'm drawing a blank. Did he die in the tournament?
    8. Knights Templar.
    9. Time frame is about right for the beginning of the Avignon papacies.
    10. Presumably the Great Pyramid at Giza. Ran out of 1300's questions, huh?

  3. 1. Papal States?
    2. Up is South! Easily identifiable are the Arabian peninsula, Italy, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia, and the Strait of Gibraltar.
    3. A system of weights and measurements still used by the USA to this very day!
    4. It's in modern-day Niger.
    5. Probably Reconquista'ing
    6. Scotland?
    7. I bet he died or something
    8. Knights Hospitalier?
    9. No idea
    10. The Great Pyramid

  4. 1 - The Papal States
    2 - Bottoms Up!
    3 - System of Weights
    4 - Agadir, Morocco
    5 - Trading with Spain
    6 - Scotland
    7 - Not Well
    8 -
    9 - Avignon
    10 - The Great Pyramid
    Susan -- Bravo the 1300s. But alas there is always at least one question I can't even guess at.

  5. 1. Papal states
    2. South is up - if you squint, you can make out Europe and the Arabian Peninsula.
    3. No idea
    4. Niger, west Africa
    5. slave trading?
    6. Scotland
    7. got his head chopped off?
    8. Rosicrucians
    9. Avignon
    10. The great pyramid?

  6. I missed the last one? Whoops. Time flies.

    1. Gotta be the Papal States (or state?)
    2. South is up. How can you tell? Just look. There's upside-down Europe at the bottom right. And Turkey with Arabia above it. The Mediterranean isn't bad. You can see Italy with its boot-foot prongs sticking up, and Sicely there. Sardinia and Corsica to the right. And Greece with Crete and the Aegean Islands, and Cyprus. The big inland sea is obviously the Caspian. Why there are a bunch of greenish round seas in Asia I don't know, but the one directly left/east of the Caspian is obviously the Aral Sea, with its two well marked rivers. The Amu Darya is shown in detail. And....well, etc. Is that enough?
    3. A system of measurement used by jewelers, I think. Got things like "troy ounces", right?
    4. In the Sahara Desert, probably in or near one of those more mountainty areas that get a bit more rain. What country today? ...somewhere around where Algeria, Chad, and Mali meet, right? Since "Tuareg" comes up in news about unrest in Mali these days I'll say Mali.
    5. Um...soldiering? Mercenary-like? Did the Catalan Company stick around until the late 18th century? I seem to remember reading about them being at (Spanish) Vancouver Island...maybe. Will have to look it up after this.
    6 Scotland. Where else would someone be known as "the Bruce"?
    7. I don't know. Let's see...well, Gaveston is a city in Texas no no. I haven't heard of Gaveston so I assume is worked out badly for him. In a Game of Thrones-y way?
    8. The only things I can think of still exist...I think. Maybe not? How about the Knights Hospitaler, however you spell that?
    9. Avingdon...or however you spell it. In southeast France, right?
    10. Gotta be the Great Pyramid of Giza. Of course archaeologists haven't yet discovered the Great Pyramid of Poughkeepsie, which was even taller.

  7. Looked up my tangent:
    Re: 5, Vancouver Island, no, that was the "Free Company of Volunteers of Catalonia". *Totally* different.
    On the ones I got wrong, doh, I *knew* it!


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