The Brackets!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Wednesday Post

Exploring the Evergreen State, Part IX
Am leaving soon. That's all.

From the Olympic Peninsula, we really only have one more new leg on our tour of Washington, so we will cross over Deception Pass to visit Bellingham and the Skagit River country.


Posted: April 1, 1940

Dear Aunt:

Arrived O.K.  Met by Count.  Say "hello" to Tuppence.  Am leaving soon.  That's all.

Love, Betty

View of Washington's Mt. Baker National Forest and 9,030-foot Mt. Shuksan.  The Pacific Northwest and all the West Coast are linked by daily United Mainliners with Chicago and "all the East."

Posted: April 1, 1940

Dear Sarah and Walden,

It was sure a beautiful day we all had last Monday -- Laura was benefited by such a pleasant outing and Oscar made happy.  Peg got home Thurs. P.M. and soon will be back in the school room.

Thanks for the delicious lunch and pleasant time.

Love, Ethel

SKAGIT RIVER near Concrete, Washington.

Posted: August 14, [illegible]

Hello Nellie -- We have had sunshine every day.  Clammed one day & got a diaper pail full of clams.  They were yummy.  Will be home after 21st I think.  Hello to Mrs. Derloc.

Love, Susanne & Ralph

DIABLO DAM.  The first large installation of Seattle City Light's Skagit River Power project.


Dear Florence, We go into Canada to-morrow, up the Frazer River Hiway.  Have had some rain but have enjoyed it and no hot weather.  Thanks for my nice card [illegible].

Love, Grace [illegible]

This view shows a portion of the metropolitan area of Bellingham with Mt. Baker and the Cascades in the Background.

Wed 6/7/67

This is one view of Bellingham.  The college would be off to the upper right.  It sits on the top of a very steep hill looking down on the city and the bay.


1 comment:

  1. That first one seems like some sort of secret code.


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