The Brackets!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Wednesday Post

Exploring the Evergreen State, Part VIII
No golfing in Washington so far!

Our tour of Washington has taken us from the cities of Puget Sound, over the Cascades at Mt. Rainer, to Spokane in the east, and then westward again along the hydroelectric projects on the mighty Columbia.  Today we head all the way to the western edge of the continent, on the rugged and isolated Olympic Peninsula.

The Insurance building forms a background with the dome of the legislative building beyond.

Posted: June 10, 195?

Hi -

We are having such a good time here. Everyone seems fine -- although they get pretty tired -- Tonite we are going to see Anni's pictures at the church & go up to M & P's aftwerwards along with the Ahirn's & Valleys. About 20-24 are being planned for. Sure wish you were here too.

Bye -- Freddie

303 Sunset of Discovery Bay, Washington

Greetings from Mrs. Earl Jenkin


THE BAILEY RANGE as viewed from Hurricane Ridge Lookout. In the foreground may be seen the highway which makes this vantage point accessible to the motorist. A few miles to the south along this ridge is located the famous Hurricane Ridge Lodge in Olympic National Park.


Dear Bill

The snow is melting now! No golfing in Washington so far! Grandad is doing great! Grandmother is recovering well. We leave for Colton & Freddie's today. Will stop at uncle Don's on way home. He is moving into the new house which is not finished. He will finish the miscellaneous things after moving into the house. He has about 10 horses & 5 dogs. I played golf at Stockton & Red Bluff which was great. Fireplace wood is cheaper here! "Hold the fort" til we return -- love Dad


[unintelligible] paved road leads along the crest of Hurricane Ridge. A trip well worth the time to "America's Last Frontier."

Posted: June 2, 1971

Hi. Hope you are feeling better than when I left, am doing O.K. up here and enjoying every minute I it, But sure is cold, will be glad when back in Sunshine, which will be about June 15th.

Love Thelma

Entrance to the Lake Quinault Lodge situated in the heart of the Olympic Peninsula Rain Forest

Lake Quinalt Sept 20, 1970

Dear Wilma & Bob

We are still enjoying our Caravan. We each dug our limit of razor back clams at Kalaloch. This lodge at Quinault is still very good. We have eaten here twice & thought of you.

By now The Youngs.

BEACH AT TRAIL #4 at the Kalaloch area of Olympic National park offers visitors opportunities to observe and study inter-tidal plants and animals. Park rangers lead guided tidepool walks in this area during the summer.

Posted: June 18, 1973

Dear Arthella

I hear it's been HOT!! in the midwest -- we wanted to swim in the Pacific but it's been too cold and rainy -- we've been wet for 2 days! Has been beautiful weather up to now -- hope it improves!

Jenni Jaune [??]

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