The Brackets!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Wednesday Post

Exploring the Evergreen State, Part VI
This spillway is 1,650 feet wide.

Do people still include hydroelectric projects on their grand tours of the American West?  They sure used to!  This week, our tour of Washington brings us to that state's famous engineering marvel.


At [unintelligible] may be seen the world's largest pumping [unintelligible] which elevates water 280 feet through ten giant flumes into the world's largest irrigation canal, feeding the water to the storage and balancing reservoir in the Grand Coulee.  The water is then conducted through syphons and canals for a 10 million acres of semi-arid land in the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project.

Posted: October 10, 1968

All these figures astound me.  We had lunch overlooking the spillway.  Most interesting.
Love "Doc"

Lake Roosevelt behind Dam.

2 - 27 - '53

Dear Friend: How nice to have another letter, & to have your new address.  Your letter came (Tuesd.) just after Jean had gone to Hospital for an Operation Wed - a.m.  Ed will take her mail out tonight, as she is doing fine & can enjoy them now.  I am sure she will answer just as soon as she feels able to do so.  We think of you folk often, & do not want to ever lose you.

Love, Margaret Read


The view from the shore of the Mighty Columbia River displays the huge spillways of the world's largest concrete dam.  This spillway is 1,650 feet wide.  This dam has created Roosevelt Lake which is 151 miles long and extends into Canada.


Still headed West.

1 comment:

  1. At [unintelligible] may be seen the world's largest pumping [unintelligible] which elevates water 280 feet through ten giant flumes into the world's largest irrigation canal, feeding the water to the storage and balancing reservoir in the Grand Coulee. best embroidery machine


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