The Brackets!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round One: Rembrandt v. Reni!

Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
1606 - 1669


Guido Reni
1575 - 1642


Vote for the artist of your choice! Votes go in the comments. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Oh man, bad luck, Reni! Shouldn't have a name so close to Rembrandt!

  2. Mariah votes for Reni on the FB feed.

  3. Whoa! This week and next provide some powerhouse firs round match ups! I'm hoping there are no first round ties (or if there are, it's two) so that these art superstars don't cannibalize each other.

    And I don't mean to be an art-voting rebel here, but I prefer Reni and then some. Maybe upon viewing more images I'll switch to the favorite, but on first glance Reni is blowing me away.

  4. Hey, I'd have to go with Rembrandt for his etchings alone. They are amazing.

  5. Susan says "REMBRANDT. The capital letters say it all. This is one of the great moments of the Art Tourney. And against Reni, the most unworthy of opponents."

  6. Wow. I'm actually going to have to go Reni based on the strength of the works presented.

  7. I had a Rembrandt poster on my wall in high school, along with a U2 poster. Rembrandt stayed good!

  8. Reni. I can't help it here.

  9. Rembrandt survives a close one in light voter turnout, taking the match six votes to four. Interestingly, he will probably be taking on another A-list name with a substantial body of detractors in Round 2. SO EXCITING!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.