The Brackets!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Wednesday Post

Exploring the Evergreen State, Part IV
beautiful roads, gorgeous trees -- golly!

Back to our tour of the state of Washington, as we head down from Mt. Rainier, past long, skinny Lake Chelan, and out onto the irrigated agricultural plans of Eastern Washington. 

639 - Mt. Rainier and Lake Tipsoe, Washington

Posted: December 15, 1948

Don't want people lookin' down upon me, anyway.  Rather just look at me.  You do have beautiful scenery, tho, & I'm really a lover of the outdoors.  One card you sent with bridle paths, beautiful roads, gorgeous trees -- golly!  Even like snow, but not skis.  We can't seem to co-operate.  Ice skate some -- used to, anyway, & love coasting.  But give me a good saddle horse & I'm really happy.

Best to you for Christmas & for all time to come. Y.

RIMROCK LAKE. Only a few miles from the summit of the Cascade Range in Central Washington, the lake provides ample reward for the fisherman who seeks to enjoy his favorite sport amid ideal conditions.  Located on the White Pass highway are numerous resorts to provide every comfort for the traveler.

LAKE CHELAN as viewed from the highway above Twenty-five Mile Creek.  This beautiful lake extends into the very [unintelligible] of the Cascade range in North Central Washington.

Wed July 23 [1966]

Left home at 6:30 yesterday, at Lake Chelan 3:00 P.M.  Nice motel right on the lake.  Left this A.M. at 7:00.  Went 14 min off highway 97 to Chief Joseph Dam and now at 9:00 A.M. are her in Okanogan for breakfast.  Plan to go on north to British Columbia and return via Bellingham.  Real hot but having a tine trip so far.  Expect to get home Sat.

Love to all, Dad

LADY OF THE LAKE makes its regular stop at Lake Chelan [State?] Park.

Posted: July 23, 1958

Okanogan, Wash 9 a.m.

Wed 9 a.m.

Dear Florence & All

We stayed at Chelan last nite - Thot we'd take the boat trip today, but decided 10 hrs on board this little ship with 30-35 people would be too long with 90° heat.  We are enjoying the trip - saw the huge Chief Joseph dam this a.m.  This is a rough mountain country.  Rivers bordered by beautiful peach apple pear apricot trees.  We'll be in Canada soon.  Missed seeing De Ja at Wenatchee.

Love Mother & Daddy

APPLE PICKING TIME.  During the autumn months the orchards and packing sheds of Eastern Washington are the center of activity.  The various varieties of apples which have ripened during the long days of sunshine have reached the peak of color and flavor and must now be harvested, packed and stored for release to the world-wide markets during the months ahead.

Posted: July 16, 1963

Sunnyside.  Tues 1:00 P.M.

Left Lewiston Mon AM.  Went up to the Spaulding grave then back to Lewiston then to Walla Walla and out to the Whitman grave.  Then to Pendelton, Ore and spent the evening with an old girl friend of Mother's.  Left Pendelton this AM and are having coffee in Sunnyside before we go to Mel's.  Tom wasn't home as we came by.


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