The Brackets!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Wednesday Post

Michael5000 Returns to High Hawsker
Yeah he was a complete little bastard.

On July 22, 2010, this was your Thursday boring postcard from Michael5000:


Last week, somebody left this delightful comment on the old post:
Ha. I spent my childhood holidays here. In the spring mornings it used to get major fog. My three cousins and I would run up and down the fog towards the sea with my oldest cousin screaming that we [were] near the edge of the cliff and not to move. Yeah he was a complete little bastard. I can see [that] one man's meat is another man's poison. Anywhere is boring, very especially if the people around you are boring. 
Of course regular readers will understand that the Northcliffe Caravan Park is "meat" to me and the commenter alike, since when I call a postcard "boring" I am essentially confessing to be half in love with it.  Nor do I know what it is to have boring people around me, for I am never more than a click away from readers of Infinite Art Tournament, am I right?

All that aside, I was immediately infected after reading the comment with aching nostalgia for High Hawsker.  Nostalgia, coupled with a painful certainty that such a place must long ago have been ground beneath the wheel of time.

But no:

Northcliffe Caravan Park is still there!  In fact, "Northcliffe & [neighboring] Seaview Holiday Parks have been in family ownership since 1967 and both parks are still personally managed today by the third generation of the same family."  You can check out amenities, rates, and local attractions at their website!

If you pull back for a little context, modern aerial photography reveals that the parks are on a spectacular agricultural tableland.  The fancifully named "Robin Hood's Bay" is just a few miles away, over to the south.  And, after a careful perusal of the visual evidence, you can at least say this about the commenter's oldest cousin...

...he was right to be scared of the cliff!

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