The Brackets!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round One: Primaticcio v. Prud'hon!

Francesco Primaticcio
1504 - 1570
Italian; worked in France


Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
1758 - 1823


Vote for the artist of your choice! Votes go in the comments. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. I'll jump on the Prud'hon bandwagon!

  2. These Prud'hon's are more g-rated than the ones I got on a google image search! Either way, I'll break the other way for Primaticcio.

  3. Prud'hon. Why the apostrophe?

  4. Ann breaks for Prud'hon on Facebook.

  5. Susan casts a vote-by-mail for Prud'hon, but it's pretty clear she's not too pleased with either choice.

  6. Yeah, I'll go with Prud'hon for the nonce. I don't see either of these guys getting too far in.

  7. Prud'hon runs away with his First Round match, piling up 12 votes to Primaticcio's one. Ouch! Thanks for your lopsided votes!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.