The Brackets!

Monday, October 19, 2015

The New Monday Quiz

A continued break from the High Middle Ages for you and me both.

1. This is a map of what country?

2. What city is shown in this movie still?

3. It's the only thing you know of that is about a tenth of 1% the mass of the sun.

4. Of whom is this little story told?
Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered.

5. These men will judge the judges in what 1961 drama?

6. It extended from about 200 million years ago to 145 million years ago.

7. It is usually worth eleven, but sometimes worth ten, and children sometimes slap it.


One, two! One, two! and through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
What manxome monster, shown above, was thus slain?

9. Mmm, an edible tuberous root!  What's it called?

10. Who is the author of this passage?

Laughing again, he brought the mirror away from Stephen's peering eyes.
--The rage of Caliban at not seeing his face in a mirror, he said. If Wilde were only alive to see you!
Drawing back and pointing, Stephen said with bitterness:
--It is a symbol of Irish art. The cracked looking-glass of a servant.

The New Monday Quiz: last week

1. The history of Judea in Israel is in Kings, or Kings I & II as we divide it up these days.
2. That's a Klee.
3. It looks like "neon," but it's Krypton.  Most neon signs are actually krypton signs, I've read.
4. That's a map of Kenya.
5. The still is from The King's Speech.  
6. The diagram is of a kidney.
7. Water boils at 373.16 degrees Kelvin, or more properly at 373.16 kelvins.  Bonus half mark to Morgan for pointing out the ridiculous distinction.
8. Mass in motion has kinetic energy.
9. The picture shows a koto.
10. Mountain above savanna? Kilimanjaro, baby!

With a perfect ten, gS49 crushes the Quiz!  CRUSHES IT!


  1. 1. Jamaica
    2. Johannesburg
    3. Jupiter
    4. Jesus Christ
    5. ?
    6. Jurassic
    7. Jack
    8. Jabberwock, The
    9. Jicama
    10. Joyce?

  2. 1. Jamaica
    2. Johannesburg
    3. Jupiter
    4. Jeremiah?
    5. Judgement at Nuremburg
    6. Jurassic Period
    7. J have no idea.
    8. Jabberwocky
    9. Jicama
    10. Joyce

  3. 1. Java
    2. Johannesburg
    3. Jupiter
    4. Jesus
    5. Judges Judging Judges
    6. The Jurassic Period
    7. Jack
    8. Jabberwock
    9. Jicama
    10. James Joyce

  4. 1. Jamaica
    2. Johannesburg
    3. Jupiter
    4. It doesn't sound very Jesus-y, but that's the only J name I can think of.
    5. Judgement at Nuremburg
    6. Jurassic
    7. jack
    8. Beware the jabberwock, my son!
    9. Jicama
    10. James Joyce (double-J!)

  5. Ok, so, first letter thing?

    1. Jamaica! So...Js?
    2. Jerusalem doesn't have skyscrapers like that, does it? New Jersey? No. What else starts with J? Jakarta?
    3. Jupiter is only 0.1% the mass of the sun?
    4. Jesus
    5. I don't know this kind of stuff. Judging Judges?
    6. Jurassic
    7. Jacks?
    8. Jabberwocky
    9. Mmmmm, a jicama!
    10. James Joyce


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