The Brackets!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Through History with The Monday Quiz: the 1110s

The eleven-tens have lots of documented history about crusades and tensions over investiture, but THwtMQ tries to cast a broader net than all that.  Several of this week's questions are pretty tough, but they might be within range of a sharp inference.  Remember, we're all learning together here.

1. In 1112, Pope Paschal II tried to patch up an old dispute. However, his diplomacy snagged on the part where he demanded that papal authority should be primal over "all the churches of God throughout the world." Who was it that took exception to this clause?

2. The Myazedi Inscription of 1113 tells the story of Prince Yazakumar and King Kyansittha in four different languages. One face is in the extinct Pyu language, one in the archaic Pali language, and one is in the Mon language, which is still used by about a million people. The fourth face, shown here, is the first known inscription of what modern language?

3. In 1115, a group of Jurchen people under chieftain Wanyan Aguda established the Jin dynasty; within about ten years, the Liao dynasty would be no more. Things happening in China, obviously; can you say anything more about what was going on?

4. On July 15, 1116, the Venetian military defeated a Hungarian army, which allowed them to take control of Dalmatia. In 1117, the Hungarians would take Dalmatia back, after which the Venetians would take it back again. Where’s Dalmatia?

5. Around 1116, the Old Bridge was built at Hasankeyf, in modern Turkey, as shown on this here map. Its central span may have been the longest of any bridge in the world at that time. What river did it cross?

6. In about 1117, Héloïse d'Argenteuil, a young woman known throughout Paris for her learning and scholarship, found herself pregnant after spending some quality time with her tutor, a rising young philosopher and theologian. What was his name?

7. Around 1117, there was conflict between two city states in Ifriqiya: Mahdia and Gabes. Madhia was supported by the Zirid dynasty that ostensibly ruled Ifriqiya, while Gabes had help from Roger I of Sicily. Today, Mahdia and Gabes are coastal towns in what small country?

8. If I happen to mention, just in passing, how the Almoravids lost the Ebro Valley in 1118, what would we be talking about in general?

9. On August 20, 1119, the Battle of Brémule was fought between troops led by Henry I of England and Louis VI the Fat of France. The battlefield was in the Gaillardbois-Cressenville area (see map). In a sentence or two, what do you suppose the lads were fighting about?

10. In 1119, Song author Zhu Yu wrote that Chinese ships were being built with bulkheads, upright walls within the hulls. What for?

Through History with The Monday Quiz: the 1100s

1. 1100 is more or less when Timbuktu was founded.  There was a question as to whether the image shown was actually a place in Timbuktu.  I don't know.  When I wrote the quiz, I checked three sites that identified the image as being from Timbuktu, but I have absolutely no reason to assume they knew what they were talking about.
2. Checkers was emerging at about this time.
3. The Sacsayhuamán fortress was near the site that would become Cuzco, the Incan capital.
4. "Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress" is The Tower of London.
5. Baldwin I was king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.  Crusader states, you know.
6. The Arsenal was the military shipyard of Venice.
7. Hekla is a big volcano in Iceland.
8. X/1106 C1 was a comet.  It came by the name later, mind you.
9. The medieval Khmer Empire was basically Cambodia and a substantial land empire.
10. The Norwegian Crusade stopped on the way to the Holy Land to sack Lisbon, among other places.

Such mighty answerings, that were!  Susan had seven, Doc Schnell, pfly, and gS49 had eight, but The Owl and Christine all had a whopping, almost implausible, nine!  What a bunch of smarty-pants you all are.


  1. 1. The Orthodox folks
    2. Tamil?
    3. Nope.
    4. basically where Croatia is now
    5. Tigris?
    6. Abelard
    7. Tunisia?
    8. Spain and the Muslim-Christian back-n-forth
    9. Stinky cheese
    10. Shipping stuff

  2. 1. What kind of a name is Pope Paschal? Well, I guess the Orthodox Church would have a problem with this clause...
    2. Looks like Greek to me. No, just kidding. Thai?
    3. Hordes from the steppes taking over, kinda pre-Mongol-like?
    4. Dalmatia is the east coast of the Adriatic Sea, like Croatia today.
    5. That's the Tigris and Euphrates. The Euphrates is the larger and longer one, so this one is the Tigris.
    6. How would I know??
    7. I thought Gabes was in what is now Morocco, like across from Gibraltar. But I don't think Morocco is a "small country". So let's say Tunisia.
    8. The Reconquista, I assume. The Ebro is in Spain, I believe.
    9. Whether England or France rightfully owned parts of France, like Normandy.
    10. Um, strength? And/or to, like, keep various goods separate?

  3. 1. Gotta be the Eastern Church in general and the Patriarchs in particular.
    2. No idea. Could be Urdu?
    3. I really can't. Sorry. I'm gonna guess religious differences.
    4. On the Adriatic coast of the Balkans, I'm pretty sure.
    5. It's the Tigris or he Euphrates...I have no idea which...let's go...Euphrates!
    6. That great French romantic, Peter Abelard.
    7. CKII tells me that's near Tunis...let's go Tunisia?
    8. Poor cartography? Nah, I think this is one of those crusade things in Muslim Spain. Almoravids is one of the IDs I can remember.
    9. Normandy?
    10. My grandfather would be ashamed, but I know nothing about bulkheads. Maybe to separate different sections in case one sprung a leak?

  4. Encouraged by getting a mention last week, I will enter my five out of ten:
    4 - In the Balkans. On the Adriatic.
    6 - Abelard
    8 - Portugal -- maybe fighting the Moors.
    9 - Possession of Normandy.
    10 - To make them less likely to sink!


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