The Brackets!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Wednesday Post

Song of the American Road, part 1, take 2
I know you would love it here; it's beautiful

Six years ago today, I started the occasional "Song of the American Road" series, featuring boring postcards and the messages they carried.  Not everyone likes the boring-postcard aspect of this here online entertainment, but sister jen got it:
Oh my god, fab. These are so lovely I ache. Little fragments of people's lives, like rose petals pressed in a favorite book. Love it.
Well, sister jen and I share some tastes and interests.  We're actually quite closely related.

Let's take another listen to the Song of the American Road, and find out how things have changed along the way!

Located in the Mountain Lake Sanctuary, Lake Wales, Florida, the 205-foot Singing Tower is on the highest ground in the Florida peninsula.

Dear Ula and All, Haven't been to tower this year. Guess weather the reason. So glad your better & keep it up. Will be home next month & see you. We'll all be glad to have spring come. Love to all, Mabel & Nellie.

The Singing Tower is still there.  It's the highlight of the Bok Tower Gardens, a large private park and bird sanctuary in Central Florida that was designed by Frederick Law Olmstead.  Why is it the "singing" tower?  It has a carillon, is all.


We finally arrived. I know you would love it here; its beautiful. I'm very glad I came. Have a Happy New Year. Love, Myra

Well, no one calls it the "King's Parade" anymore.  They call it "King's Square."  But it is still there, and, as is clearly visible on this recent imagery from a well-known online source of street-level photography, the stocks and pillory are still kept in tip-top condition!

The shimmering blue lake as seen in mid-winter with Mt. Scott looking 9000' in the distance.

Dear Grandma, We're spending our 2nd nite in Ontario, Oregon. Linda and I are a little tired from just sitting on our bottoms. Give my love to Helen and Mary. Will try and write all of you later. Love, Melissa

Well, Crater Lake is still there of course.  It's not in winter splendor just now, because it's not winter.  In fact, last I heard a fair chunk of the mountain was on fire, but that was a few weeks ago.

Frankly, I kind of feel that, although the idea of a lake in a volcano crater seems pretty nifty, the execution falls a bit flat.  But then, appreciation of natural splendor is not one of my strong suits.  Lots of people think Crater Lake is fabulous.

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