The Brackets!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 3: Massys v. Matisse!

Quentin Massys
1465ish - 1530

Defeated Masolino in Round 1.
Decisively defeated Jan Davidsz de Heem in Round 2.

Henri Matisse
1869 - 1954

Crushed Chilean Roberto Matta in Round 1.
Crushed fifteenth century German Hans Memling in Round 2.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Massys forever and always. (or at least until you give him a solid opponent.)

  2. First guy.

    I like the one with the guy having a backseat writer around his shoulder. I get those sometimes. And they suck.

  3. Well, I like Massys, although I hadn't heard of him before this tournament. He reminds me of many other painters I like. Google tells me he was a founder of the Antwerp School, which relates to people like Bruegel (and Brueghel? I can't keep them all straight), van Eyck, Rubens, and the larger Flemish and Dutch stuff of the time. I like the sometimes grotesque faces, and that little mirror in the second one reminds me of that van Eyck painting...

    All that said, I have to vote to Matisse, although the four paintings here are not my favorites—well I like the 2nd and 3rd. I'm a sucker for his fauvist era weird colors. And somewhat later, The Dance gets me.

    I'm somewhat torn actually. Maybe if votes so far had been more for Matisse I might say Massys, but it's the other way around.

  4. Definitely Matisse. He is wonderful in ways that this selection just barely hints at. (And, yes, I like Massys too, though the caricatures of avarice not so much.)

  5. Massys for me. I don't really "get" Matisse.

  6. Matisse by a mile

  7. Matisse wraps this one up in late voting, although even the latest voting isn't what you'd call especially recent. It adds up to eight votes for Matisse, five votes for Massys, and all sorts of weird shuffling in the brackets. Onwards!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.