The Brackets!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Infinite Art Tournament Left Bracket Second-Round Elimination GRUDGE MATCH: Lippi v. Lippi!

What better climax to Grudge Match Week than that most brutal of conflicts: the conflict between father and son.

Fra Filippo Lippi beat his son Filippino in Round 1, but a loss to El Lissitzky landed him in the Left Brackets and now, well, here we are.  By the Grudge Match Rule, Little Phil has to win outright to stay in the Tournament; a tie goes to Papa Phil on the strength of his original win.  Either way, the proud Lippi name will progress to the Third Round, so that's a consolation.

Fra Filippo Lippi
1406ish - 1469

Filippino Lippi
1457 - 1504

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. (Gasp!) OK, Filippino was pretty darn good, but I'm definitely backing Pa Filippo Lippi.

  2. I'm going to go with the kid in this one. I like his interpretation of "The Hottest Club In Heaven."

    Peter: Sorry, you're not on the list.

  3. I'll go with the younger dude.

  4. Son, but I could see myself going either way.

  5. Well, the first time we over here went with the father because we found the boredom of the people funny. But this time, well, the non-fra, son Filippino Lippi seems more interesting really. I guess we are bored of being bored.

  6. Like Zeus, and Cronus before him, it is time for little Lippi to rise up and depose of his father!

  7. This is really tough, but I like the naturalism of Lippi the Younger, and the whole direction in which the mainstream of art history was flowing at the time. Voting for Little Lippi.

  8. I'm still feeling the love for Fra F. L.

  9. In a shocking turnaround, the son reverses his First Round defeat to beat his dad in the grudge match. Like, by a lot. 9 votes to 3!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.