The Brackets!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Infinite Art Tournament, Left Bracket Second Round: Lorenzetti v. Long!

Ambrogio Lorenzetti
1319 - 1348ish

Lost to Lorenzo Monaco in Round 1 by a two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Beat 20th Century artist Morris Louis in First Round Elimination.

Richard Long
born 1945

Defeated Pietro Longhi in Round 1.
Lost to American Thomas Hart Benton in Round 2.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. Lorenzetti for me.

  2. I'm going to buck my usual trend towards the Gothic and go Long.

  3. Could they be any different? I'll say Lorenzetti.

  4. I'm going to vote for Long, with reservations.

  5. Lorenzetti, because Long is like Goldsworthy without the beauty and the heart and the world.

  6. And Lorenzetti takes it, because Long is like Goldsworthy without the beauty and the heart and the world. Perhaps. More measureably, because he only got 4 votes and Lorenzetti got 7. Thanks as always for voting, you fabulous beasts.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.