The Brackets!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 3: Adams v. Lissitzky!

Ansel Adams
1902 - 1994

Tied for First place in Phase 1, Flight 4, with a voting score of .733.
Tied for Second in Phase 2, Flight 1 of the Play-In Tournament with a voting score of .417.
Survived the Phase 2 Tiebreaker.
Held on to beat John Constable in Round 1.
Trounced Switzerland's Jean-Étienne Liotard in Round 2.

El Lissitzky
1890 - 1941

Defeated 15th century German Stefan Lochner in Round 1.
Got all modern on Fra Filippo Lippi in Round 2.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. I like Adams, but I like Lissitzky more.

  2. Lissitzky, I guess. They're hard to compare, though.

  3. Apples v. Oranges!

    Adams' Apples for me.

  4. Groan. I like these two so much for such different reasons. This match-up really is like apples and oranges to me. They're both tasty! The Lissitzky... for now...

  5. I have to vote for Adams, but I do like Lissitzky!

  6. This is a killer. And, yes, it's kind of cool they're even from the same planet. One wants to throw a dinner party, just to have them sit next to each other. I have to go with El Lissitzky. (I have a hard time leaving off his first name, since for decades I always heard it together, and still tend to think of him as, you know, something like "El Toro" or "El Loco." Yes, despite the salient Russianitude.)

  7. Tough and weird one. I'll say (flips coin) Lissitzky.

  8. I will take old Ansel in this one. Way to crush those landscapes! Get it!

  9. Two Lissizky votes for Linda and Mariah on the Facebook feed.

  10. I'm joining the Lissizky wave.

  11. I'm not always pro-Adams, and I do like the Lissitzky, but today it's Adams.

  12. After a tough contest, Lissitzky piled up some votes towards the end to claim victory with 9 votes against 6. Mr. Adams will have to see if he can stay alive in the Left Bracket.

  13. How could photography compare with composition???

  14. There's a school of thought that holds they aren't mutually exclusive...


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.