The Brackets!

Monday, March 2, 2015

The New Monday Quiz VIII

1. Here's a map showing the distribution of wild dogs in ________________.

2. Odobenus rosmarus, a social animal with a life expectancy of twenty to thirty years, can weigh up to 2000 kilograms.  It can eat all sorts of stuff, but spends a lot of its time looking for the benthic bivalve mollusks of which it especially fond.  What is its common name?

3. Here's the eponymous hero of imdb's 62nd ranked movie.  What's his name?

4. It included the capture of York, the shelling of Fort McHenry, the burning of the Java, the capture of the Chesapeake, and the catchy dispatch "We have met the enemy and they are ours."

5. In this photograph from the archives of Duke University, two young men act out what Swiss folk legend?

6. Who wrote the "Ring Cycle?"

7. This somewhat out of date map lauds the centrality of what city?

8. Completed in 1973 to general critical scorn -- an example of the purposeless giantism and technological exhibitionism that are now eviscerating the living tissue of every great city, for instance -- it was however undeniably a striking landmark.  Its zip code was 10048.

9. What language is this newspaper printed in?

10. In the Book of Revelation, we find this passage:
17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication...
Who is the remarkable woman here described?


  1. 1. Woomera? Wellington? No idea, except that I now want to move to Pannawonica just to be able to say that name every day.
    2. He is the walrus, kookookajoo.
    3. Wall-E
    4. War of 1812, I think?
    5. William Tell
    6. Wagner
    7. Whoa, city in Canada, eh.
    8. World Trade Center?
    9. Welsh. Happy St. David's Day (yesterday)!
    10. Whore of Babylon, The

  2. 1. Western Australia
    2. Walrus
    3. WALL-E
    4. War of 1812? That sounds like the War of 1812.
    5. William Tell
    6. Wagner
    7. Winnipeg
    8. World Trade Center?
    9. Welsh
    10. Can't say that I have any idea.

  3. 1.Western Australia
    2. walrus
    3. Wall-E
    4. War of 1812
    5. William Tell
    6. Wagner
    7. Winnipeg
    8. World Trade Center
    9. Cymraeg! I mean, Welsh
    10. Sarah Palin

  4. 1 - Western Australia
    2 - I am the Walrus
    3 - Wal-E
    4 - War of 1812
    5 - William Tell
    6 - Herr Wagner
    7 - Winnipeg
    8 - Technological Exhibitionism
    in the Bronx?? Walmart???
    9 - Welsh
    10 - The Whore of Babylon

  5. 1. Western Australia
    2. Walrus
    3. WALL-E
    4. War of 1812
    5. William Tell
    6. Wagner
    7. Winnipeg
    8. World Trade Center
    9. Welsh
    10. Whore of Babylon

  6. 1 West Australia
    2 Walrus
    3 Wall-E
    4 War of 1812
    5 William Tell. I hope that guy didn't shoot, because he's aiming right at his friend's temple.
    6 Vogner. AKA Wagner.
    7 Winnipeg
    8 World Trade Center
    9 Welsh
    10 Well, she is not to my knowledge named Winifred or or Wilma or Wilhemina...I am guessing she is a personification (demonization? monstrofication?) of Wealth.

  7. 1. I'm guessing it's an Australian province starting with "West". Don't know my Australian provinces, though.
    2. Walrus
    3. Wall-E
    4. WWI
    5. William Tell
    6. Wagner
    7. Winnipeg
    8. World Trade Center
    9. Welsh
    10. Wilma Flintstone

  8. 1. Western Australia
    2. Walrus (right, Paul?)
    3. Wall-E
    4. War of 1812
    5. William Tell
    6. Wagner
    7. Winnipeg
    8. World Trade Center
    9. Welsh
    10. Whore of Babylon


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