All this talk about the imdb Top 250 on the New Monday Quizzes got me thinking: how many of the imdb Top 250 have I watched? So I thought I'd find out. Mind you, this isn't one of my absurd completist projects where I paint myself into a crazy long-term project that takes up years of my life. Necessarily. It might just be a list!
I have also started a brand new imdb account, in the event that you have one and would like to socially network.
Imdb rankings and ratings change in real time, as people cast their votes. The ones on this list are as of March 1, 2015. It's a long list, so I'm taking it in five chunks.
The permanent, updated version of this list is here.
1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994), imdb rating: 9.2.
- I've seen it: on original release and in 2010.
- I've reviewed it: "... it is such a... well... average sort of movie. Actually, not even average: above average. Solid. Well-made. But for the life of me, I don't see how there's anything great about it."
- I've seen it: of course.
- I've reviewed it: "every second of screen time seems beautifully composed and framed down to the smallest detail. The film melds violence and tenderness, florid sentimentality and stern stoicism, the exotic and the quotidian, into an amazingly powerful and intelligent gangster flick. A terrific movie."
- I've seen it: Knowing that there is a school of thought that the sequel surpasses the original, I expected great things. I was disappointed to find it uneven and muddled.
- I've seen it: in 2010.
- I've reviewed it: "Knight is badly marred... by a stern air of solemnity and import that is completely unsupported by what is, even for the genre, a dumber-than-usual plot."
- I've seen it: any number of times.
- I've reviewed it: "I can't really argue that this is a movie to nurture to the better angels of our nature. But on this rewatching, I once again found Pulp Fiction wildly entertaining."
- I've seen it: at some point! I believe I liked it.
- I've seen it: in its original release.
- I've reviewed it: "a powerful document."
- I'm not sure whether I've ever seen it.
- I've think I've seen it: I think Mrs.5000 and I watched all three Lord of the Rings movies in original release, and found them diverting enough.
- I've seen it: in original release. I thought it was pretty good.
- I've seen it: in original release. I'm sure about this one (see #9, above).
- I've seen it: in original release, as an 11 year old boy, which is the best way to do it.
- I've seen it: in original release. I kind of liked it. I confess I'm a little surprised to find it on this list.
- I don't think I've seen it: although the poster image looks very familiar.
- I'm not sure whether I've ever seen it
- I've think I've seen it: per #9, above. But you would think I'd remember the ents.
- I'm not sure whether I've ever seen it
- I've seen it: in original release, or at least on the big screen. Entertaining.
- I've seen it: in original release, as a 9 year old boy, which is the best way to do it. And several times since, naturally.
- I've reviewed it: "...highly recommended for nine year old boys."
- I've seen it: in 2009.
- I've reviewed it: "...a big, sprawling adventure movie, entertaining and pleasant to look at."
- I have not seen it.
- I have apparently seen it: ...but remember nothing about it but the chicken in the opening scene.
- I've seen it: in original release, and at least once since. Serial killer movies are generally a blight, except for this one. This one is outstanding.
- I've seen it: several times. It is always a real treat. One of my favorite movies.
- I've seen it: in original release.
- I've reviewed it: "If you like you a good police procedural, you might love it. But it's not really a must-see."
- I've seen it: Haven't we all?
- I've reviewed it: "But having said all that, I will now admit that I also found It's a Wonderful Life pretty delightful."
- I don't think I've seen it
- I'm not sure whether I've ever seen it
- I've seen it: In original release. It is appalling.
- I've seen it: Haven't we all?
- I've reviewed it: "...the movie engages more than animal reflexes of suspense and release. Add in a certain stylishness, some wit, good pacing, and competent filming, and you've got a product we're still talking about 68[+] years later."
- I've never seen it
- I've seen it: Any number of times. It's big, dumb, and entertaining.
- I've seen it: ...and consider it the non plus ultra of the conventional war movie.
- I've seen it: ...and I'm surprised to see it so high up on a people's choice list.
- I've reviewed it: "This is an easy film to watch for its technical mastery and as an representative of its period and genre. As an entertainment for today's viewer, however, its silent charms are rather on the thin side."
- I think I've seen it: but Japanese animated features, though generally good if we're watching them in the United States, tend to blur together a bit for me.
- I've seen it: a time or two.
- I've reviewed it: "Take away that big surprise, and you're left with an unremarkable plot, albeit one carried along by strong performances and strong direction.."
- I have not seen it: but frequent blog voter Morgan told me "Whiplash is the best movie I have seen this year," and so I've got a hold on it at the library.
- I've seen it: a time or two. Hitchcock is always fun.
- I have never heard of it: but I have confirmed that it's not a typo.
- I don't think I've seen it
- I've seen it: a number of times. It is, I think, among the best of the science fiction action-adventures.
- I've seen it: at initial release and, as a matter of fact, a few days ago. It's an excellent puzzle movie.
- I've seen it: at it's initial release. And my friend's dad is in it!
- I haven't seen it: I think people have said The Pianist and I've thought "Oh, The Piano."
- I've seen it: It was pretty good.
- I've seen it: a couple of times.
- I've reviewed it: "...a truly great movie..."
- I've seen it: In initial release. I thought it was average. I was surprised when it was nominated for an Oscar, and more so when it won.
- I've seen it: Twice.
- I've reviewed it: "..strange and awesome...."
- I've seen it: Thrice.
- I've reviewed it: " There are very few movies out there that manage to combine the better virtues of the action thriller and the screwball comedy. Hell, off the top of my head, I can only think of one: Dr. Strangelove."
- I've seen it: in '86. I remember it as a likeable comedy.
That's pretty good! Out of this top fifty, I've seen 36 of them against 6 maybes and only 8 no's, with two of the no's being recent movies that are (1) already on my radar and (2) unlikely to be permanent residents here in the top fifty. I've even reviewed fifteen of them, most through my project of re-reviewing Roger Ebert's The Great Movies.
What About the Low End?
Of movies on the imdb Bottom 100, as of March 1, 2015, I have only seen one: #89, Tees Maar Khan. I've reviewed it! I rather liked it.
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