The Brackets!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Infinite Art Tournament, Left Bracket Round Three: Greuze v. Hassam!

Leaving the Tournament with a 2-2 record this week is the great Cubist Juan Gris, who was ousted by Greuze on the strength of a swing vote.  Gris's voting total of  27 for, 22 against gives him the fifth highest batting average (.551) of the 142 artists who have exited the Tournament this far, behind only Bazille (.587), Alta-Tadema (.610), Boccioni (.646), and Antonello da Messina (.700).

Jean-Baptiste Greuze
1725 - 1805

Childe Hassam
1859 - 1935

  • Outlasted Hans Hartung in a close Round 1 contest.
  • Moved easily past Barbara Hepworth in Round 2.
  • Lost to badly to Dutch master Frans Hals in Round 3.


Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. It took me a long time decide. I will vote Greuze.

  2. I like gray Greuze well enough, but I like colorful Childe Hassam better.

  3. One vote apiece from the FB feed: Linda picks Hassam and Mariah picks Greuze.

  4. Jean-Baptiste Greuze all the way.

  5. I feel sort of like it's my patriotic duty to support Hassam, and then I really like the Brazilian flag, and then I think you know, if I have to work this hard to like Hassam better than Greuze, maybe I don't really.


  6. Susan, on the other hand, votes for Hassam. This one looks like it might be kind of close.

  7. I quite like a couple of the Hassams, and I don't much like a couple of the Greuzes. But overall I'm leaning Greuze. That first one, which I don't think you've shown before, is oddly engaging. I don't know what it is, but there's a story there.

  8. It's Greuze by three votes, nine to six. Hassam went two-and-two; Greuze has won three straight since his First Round loss and moves on to try his luck against Hammershoi.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.