The Brackets!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round Two: Goldsworthy v. Lowry!

Last call for votes in the Fouth Round Caillebotte/Cassatt and Cézanne/Church showdowns!

Andy Goldsworthy
born 1956

Finished First in Phase 1, Flight 12 of the Play-In Tournament, with a voting score of .923.
Finished First in Phase 2, Flight 4, with a voting score of .500.
Beat contemporary Tony Cragg decisively in Round 1.

L.S. Lowry
1887 - 1973

Soundly defeated Lucas van Leyden in Round 1.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. This one's hard - I think I'll go with Goldsworthy since I've admired him for a long time, but I do really like Lowry, too.

  2. Linda goes with Goldsworthy on FB.

  3. Lowry. Not a huge Goldsworthy fan.

  4. Goldsworthy is worthy of my vote, if not my gold.

  5. Two more Goldsworthy votes from Shu-ju and Gretchen via the FB feed.

  6. I like Lowry quite a bit--I looked at a lot of his work when he first showed up in the tournament. But Goldsworthy...I am a long-time huge fan of Andy Goldsworthy, and I vote!

  7. chuckdaddy's children3:53 PM, February 25, 2015

    Nora: I like both

    Elliott: I don't like either

  8. No contest—Goldsworthy. Poor Lowry, matched with a titan!

  9. Wow, Nora's in on the act now?

    gl., let's don't be fussy, I'm "Micheal" as often as not and you don't see me flying into a MURDEROUS RAGE!!!

    Meanwhile, Goldsworthy and more Goldsworthy for me, please. And you might want to check out the documentary, which is fairly entertaining.

  10. Goldsworthy runs away with this one, 14 to 2. He is now 2-0; play-in artists generally are now 18-3!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.