The Brackets!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Infinite Art Tournament Left Bracket Second-Round Elimination: Hobbema v. Hicks!

Meindert Hobbema lost to Andō Hiroshige in his first try at the Tournament, but then beat Nicholas Hilliard in his second outing to regain some traction.  Meanwhile, Edward Hicks beat Hilliard out of the gate, but then lost to Hiroshige in his second contest.  So today's contestants already have a lot of shared Touranment history.

Francisco Goya leaves the Tournament this week.  His well-known name failed to win him a large constituency among the Tournament voters, and in leaving he can only take comfort in that he piled up more votes for (34) than votes against (33).  Interestingly, he shares his unusual final record of wins, losses, and ties -- 1-2-2 -- with only one other painter, also a well-known artist who left the Tournament earlier than one might have expected.  That artist?  Gauguin.

Also leaving us this week is
Hans Hofmann, with a more prosaic record of 1-2, 14 vf, 19 va.

Meindert Hobbema
1638 - 1706

Edward Hicks
1780 - 1849

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. I love the scary lion that stares into your soul, but I will vote for Hobbema.

  2. I will vote for Meindert Hobbema's attenuated trees in this round.

  3. Oh, I like Hicks, for the hyper-animated pastoral vision, with less fussing over the damn trees already.

  4. Well, despite seeming like a one hit wonder, I'm saying Hicks. And NOT because "The Peaceable Kingdom" hung in our house since I was a tiny kid, for longer than I can remember. ...well okay, maybe that is why.

  5. Hobbema. Those animal eyes freak me out.

  6. I find this a hard one because I like Hobbema, but not that much. Whereas Hicks I'm not even sure if I like. If he was not famous, I do not think he'd even make my wall (which does not have that much competition). But those eyes do seem to look into my soul. ... Regardless, I'll give a luke warm vote for Hobbema.

  7. I kind of expected to be going for Hicks, until I scrolled up to the Hobbemas, and then, yeah, I'm voting for Hobbema.

  8. Susan: "Hobbema -- though I hate to throw Hicks to the lions, who may not be so peaceable to him after all."

  9. And it's Hicks to the lions, as Hobbema takes 8 votes against his 5. He'll advance against de Hooch for a good old-fashioned Dutch Master showdown!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.