The Brackets!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Infinite Art Tournament Left Bracket Second-Round Elimination: Homer v. Hokusai!

Leaving the Tournament to set up this Elimination match are André Beauneveu (1-2-1; 18 vf, 31 va) and Gerrit van Honthorst (1-2, 11 vf, 24 va).

Winslow Homer
1836 - 1910
  • Beat the great German expatriate Hans Holbein in an unusually high-octane Round 1 match.
  • Lost to Dutch master Pieter De Hooch by a single vote in Round 2. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
  • Crushed AndrĂ© Beauneveu in the Left Bracket Second Round.

Katsushika Hokusai
1760 - 1849
  • Defeated William Hogarth in Round 1 by a two-vote spread. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
  • Lost to play-in artist Remedios Varo in Round 2.
  • Lambasted Gerrit van Honthorst in the Left Bracket Second Round by a safe margin.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. It's too soon for either of these guys to go out. Tough choice, but I'll go with Hokusia

  2. I'll go with Homer out of these two. Yeah, he did a lot of boats. A LOT of boats. But he did it right.

  3. I like them both, and it looks like Homer will take this round, but that's okay. I'm still voting for Hokusai, though.

  4. This must be a very strong section of the bracket, because I saw this matchup and thought that it must be a fourth-round winner's bracket at the least. But no, it's a second round left bracket. Wow! I will vote for Homer, although agreeing strongly with Chuckdaddy.

    Sometimes I wish this was triple-elimination.

  5. By email (from Susan in Manhattan, as most emailed votes are): "you know it's Homer. I love the new painting, 'The Veteran in a New Field.'"

  6. I, too, sometimes wish this was triple-elimination.

    Perhaps it's all just the seeding round for some bigger, yet more infinite art tournament that is someday to come.

  7. It's Homer outta the ballpark!

  8. Homer. And sure, why not make all this the seeding for the next DE round?

  9. I think Hokusai needs some love.

  10. It's Homer! It's Homer! He takes Hosukai, 11-4! He'll take on Hodler in the next round.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.