The Brackets!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round Two: Hayter v. Leonardo da Vinci!

After nearly a year with no First-Round ties, we had two consecutive ones this week in the matters of Laurencin v. Lawrence and Legar v. Leighton. They will re tire to the green room for at least three months, and Stanley Hayter will take on the winner of Leonardo da Vinci v. Lely -- which is to say, Leonardo da Vinci. Let's see how he does!

Stanley William Hayter
1901 - 1988

Tied with Raoul Hausmann in his first try at Round One.
Beat Erich Heckel in a second go at Round 1 by a two-vote swing.  YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!

Leonardo da Vinci
1452 - 1519

Pounded Sir Peter Lely in Round 1.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. It's probably not a fair matchup with ANYONE in the opposing corner against da Vinci, but this one was over for me before the referee even started the round.

    Leonardo da Vinci and lovely Leda, please.

  2. If I were feeling contrarian, I'd vote for the other guy, whatshisname, but that would just be silly. Da Vinci, Da Man -- pervy swan and all!

  3. Hayter over pretty much anyone, but da Vinci this round.

  4. da Vinci! Thanks for the easy vote!

  5. Yeah, tough call. Da Vinci.

  6. You know, Leonardo da Vinci is a figure I know more as a name than as an artist. Looks like the sumbitch could really paint!

  7. Apparently I missed a few posts in the chaos of December? Well I'll add to the Leo pile on. Every point counts! ...or doesn't, in direct elimination...but maybe there will be point-counting statistical analyses...

  8. Add in a vote from Susan that never got posted here, and it's a good old-fashioned 12-0 ass-whuppin'. Leonardo does the whuppin'; Hayter slinks off into the Left Brackets.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.