The Brackets!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 4: Caillebotte v. Cassatt!

It's the first weekend of an even month, and time for a Fourth Round contest.  With some long-standing ties finally resolved, Mary Cassatt returns to the Tournament after a year and a half of waiting to take on a personal acquaintance, Gustave Caillebotte.  Both enter this match off of big wins -- but only one can emerge!

Gustave Caillebotte
1848 - 1894

Mary Cassatt
1844 - 1926
American; worked in France
  • Defeated Andrea del Castagno in Round 1.
  • Gave early 16th century Venetian Vincenzo Catena a thorough drubbing in Round 2.
  • Crushed Vittore Carpaccio in Round 3.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Fourth-round matches are open for at least three months after posting.


  1. Argh! So hard! ok...Caillebotte.

  2. Morgan and I vote for Caillebotte!

  3. Caillebotte. But I am a sucker for images of people working in their daily lives.

  4. Ooh, two worthy opponents. But I'm going with Caillebotte also. I'm a sucker for those deep perspectives and the whole humans in the human landscape thing.

  5. Caillebotte, though both are pretty great.

  6. I like 'em both! But I like Caillebotte a little better.

  7. C-botte (as listed in my artwork swipe files.)

    Never liked Cassat.

    Linda W in CA

  8. Calleboite for me too.I'll never get over those guys stripping the floor.

  9. Here's an emailed vote for Caillebotte.

  10. Reluctantly, I'm going with Caillebotte.

  11. Caillebotte isn't palling. I'm going to stick with him.

  12. Wow, I don't know what you expected there, but I certainly wasn't thinking that there would be a 15-0 blowout in the Fourth Round. Caillebotte, who started slow and survived a Third Round tie, is sudden on fire entering the Fifth Round. Cassatt, who had the third best overall record in the whole tournament entering this match, needs to start from scratch again over on the Left Side.



Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.