The Brackets!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Wednesday Post

Field Report: Walcott Junction
20 miles to the nearest town makes the gas station and restaurant a welcome sight.

After all the fuss about Walcott Junction last month, Mrs.5000 -- nothing if not intrepid -- paid a visit in person.  She sends us these photos.


Intersection I-80, U.S. 30 & Wyoming 130.  20 miles to the nearest town makes the gas station and restaurant a welcome sight.


  1. I've been waiting for this post. But I was expecting a bit more commentary.

  2. Ah! The commentary! Well, in the days leading up to the reconnaissance, everyone, including my parents, talked about Walcott Junction excitedly. The day of, my parents and I got a fairly late start, and the Walcott exit was a welcome diversion somewhere in the middle of a long drive. But, you know, there isn't a lot to tell. It's a thriving gas station in the middle of nowhere, with a very non-thriving former restaurant next to it. Mom and Dad stood patiently by the SUV while I walked about taking pictures. Yes, there were a couple of pictures with us in them, but no one was looking very comfortable. I do like the old cars in front, in the one photo.

    The most surprising thing? Just two exits beyond--Sinclair, WY--was a big oil refinery. You know the Sinclair gas stations with the cute little old-school green dinosaur logo? That Sinclair.


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