Field Report: Walcott Junction
20 miles to the nearest town makes the gas station
After all the fuss about Walcott Junction last month, Mrs.5000 -- nothing if not intrepid -- paid a visit in person. She sends us these photos.
Intersection I-80, U.S. 30 & Wyoming 130. 20 miles to the nearest town makes the gas station and restaurant a welcome sight.
I've been waiting for this post. But I was expecting a bit more commentary.
Ah! The commentary! Well, in the days leading up to the reconnaissance, everyone, including my parents, talked about Walcott Junction excitedly. The day of, my parents and I got a fairly late start, and the Walcott exit was a welcome diversion somewhere in the middle of a long drive. But, you know, there isn't a lot to tell. It's a thriving gas station in the middle of nowhere, with a very non-thriving former restaurant next to it. Mom and Dad stood patiently by the SUV while I walked about taking pictures. Yes, there were a couple of pictures with us in them, but no one was looking very comfortable. I do like the old cars in front, in the one photo.
The most surprising thing? Just two exits beyond--Sinclair, WY--was a big oil refinery. You know the Sinclair gas stations with the cute little old-school green dinosaur logo? That Sinclair.
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