The Brackets!

Monday, August 25, 2014

On "Awareness": A Vignette.

Michael5000 is talking to a coworker.

Michael5000: "I was scrolling through my Facebook this morning, and I think I saw a video of you dumping a bucket of water on your head."

Co-Worker: "Yes, ice water! I didn't fill the whole bucket, but it was really cold. It was a challenge."

Michael5000: "A challenge?"

Co-Worker: "Yes, you do it, and then you're supposed to challenge your friends to do it too. It's to raise awareness for ALS."

Michael5000: "ALS... ALS... Is that, uh, Lou Gerhig's Disease?"

Co-Worker: "You know, I'm not sure. I just did the challenge."

Long Pause.


  1. Most people believe that singularity will arrive in fifteen to twenty years. I believe it has arrived already, and they are manipulating us through internet memes to achieve what I hope will not turn out to be their nefarious ends.

  2. Thanks for the smile. I needed that.
    I sit across from a guy who has been challenged & has refused to do it. (He also refuses to send a check. REBEL!)


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