The Brackets!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Infinite Art Tournament, Left Bracket Second Round: Greuze v. Grosz!

Jean-Baptiste Greuze
1725 - 1805

Lost to Atkinson Grimshaw in Round 1.
Scorched another French guy 20 years his elder, Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, in First Round Elimination.

George Grosz
1893 - 1959

Beat old German master Matthias Grünewald in Round 1.
Lost to Venetian Francesco Guardi in Round 2.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. Jean-Baptiste Greuze all the way: the downy feather and impudent nipple; "shut up I can't hear to tune"; and someone eating pork. Or beans. Or beans and pork. Or maybe turnips.

    In any case, I scrolled quickly past the other artist's works because they make me uncomfortable, which is probably an artsy reason to vote for them, but I find Grosz too Gross for my tastes, so please mark me down for Greuze.

  2. Wardrobe malfunction, or creepy yet interesting social/political statements?

    Hmmm... I'm gonna go with Greuze.

  3. I usually vote for the weirder ones, but I'm going to got with the classic artist in this case and take the first guy. I remember voting for him in an earlier round. I like the one with the guitar player. "Don't interrupt me! I'm trying to shred a ripping solo over here!!"

  4. I'll go for the uncomfortably gross Grosz over the uncomfortably positioned guitar tuner.

  5. Grosz. I have no affection for his work, but I think it does what he set out to do.

  6. Greuze is good and all, but Grosz is weird, uncomfortable, fun, and bizarre in a special way. So, Grosz.

  7. I'm voting for Greuze, and so does Eavan. I'm not 100% sure that she intended her vote to be public record, but she did say "I vote for Greuze" where I could hear it, and knew the risks.

  8. I love both of these, but it's Greuze by a nose.
    I am, however, taking that Grosz one for use in a diplomacy post some time.

  9. Wow, a real rollercoaster of an art tournament match! Greuze saw a big early lead evaporate, but then came on late to get back the lead and carry it to an 8-6 victory. That's pretty heady stuff, by our standards.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.