The Brackets!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Infinite Art Tournament, Left Bracket Third Round: Denis v. Donatello!

Maurice Denis lost to Paul Delvaux in Round One. Some time later, Constantin Brancusi booted Paul Delvaux out of the Tournament.  And now, Denis has walked all over Brancusi by a 10-2 margin.  Didn't see that coming!

Denis has won three straight to stay alive in the perilous Left Bracket.  Meanwhile, Donatello's early successes slammed to a halt with a humiliating 1-11 loss to Dürer.  What will happen when these somewhat different artists collide?  Let's find out!

Maurice Denis
1870 - 1943

c.1386 - 1466
  • Slaughtered Domenichino in Round 1 in the Tournament's first ever unanimous decision.
  • Outlasted the colorful Kees Van Dongen in Round 2.
  • Was crushed by Albrecht Dürer in Round 3.


Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Maurice Denis is just so CHEERFUL! And French! And except for Smirky McPenisBoy, I am finding Donatello's work rather a downer this morning.

    So, Denis.

  2. p.s. I'll never have a paying gig as an art critic, will I?

  3. I saw the title and was pretty sure my vote was going to Donatello instead of the-guy-whose-name-I-didn't-recognize. This morning, however, the colors are speaking to me today. So, as seems to be the trend so far, I'll vote for Denis over the more famous guy.

  4. Yeah, I like Maurice Denis.

  5. Tough choice, but I'm going to go with Donatello, contrary to all previous votes.

  6. I was going to say I like Denis but Donatello, come on, Donatello. Then I saw everyone voting for Denis and had second thoughts. But on third thought, Donatello, because, come on, Donatello.

  7. Denis. But I think small digital pictures of paintings are pretty much always going to beat small digital pictures of sculptures for me. Because I have a really limited real-life knowledge of visual art in general I'm just focusing on the pictures presented in these matchups and I think the sculptors come out quite poorly. So it goes.

  8. Donatello, because, come on, Donatello.

  9. For some reason, I'm not liking either of these as much as before, which surprises me. But Donatello gets my nod.

  10. Here's an emailed vote for Donatello.

  11. I generally fall for sculpture, and Donatello is so expressive, not bound to being too realistic. I like.

  12. It's an upset! Despite, you know, Donatello, Denis takes the contest 8 votes to 6! Never a dull day at the IAT.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.