The Brackets!

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Free Box Tapes #6: Charles Mingus, "Ah Um"

The sixth Free Box Tape, conveniently enough, was another one on The Jazz Thing list.  

Charles Mingus: Ah Um (1959)

Sixty-Four Words: As I implied earlier, Mingus is a bit of a mystery to me. I haven’t figured out yet what constitutes his sound, or what makes him special. The album exhibits a variety of styles, all expertly performed and with some great moments. At first I listened to Side B then Side A; I liked it better when I got them in the right order.

Disposition: It's good. I'd keep it even if it wasn't a Jazz Thing record.


  1. I am no jazz or Mingus expert, but I love his album "Oh Yeah."


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