The Brackets!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Jazz Thing, Round 1: Hancock v. McLean

The Jazz Thing, Round 1 (40 Word/Album Limit)

#35 Herbie Hancock, "Maiden Voyage" (1965) v. #83 Jackie McLean, "Let Freedom Ring" (1962).

This record and especially the title track are considered quite important and innovative. There are complicated harmonies. I’m not sure what people like about it, though. It seems quite lifeless. “Dolphin Dance,” the closer, is a focus for my dislike.


Jackie McLean?  Who?  The title threatens patriotic pabulum, but the record delivers three strong hits of groove and a sultry ballad. The recurring bass riff in the final trick, “Omega,” is enough to win this contest all by itself.

Let Freedom Ring defeats Maiden Voyage

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