The Brackets!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Infinite Art Tournament, First Elimination Round #25/64

Faceoff #1: Hilliard v. Hobbema

Nicholas Hilliard
c. 1547 - 1619

Lost to American Edward Hicks in Round 1.


Meindert Hobbema
1638 - 1706

Lost to Andō Hiroshige in Round 1.

Faceoff #2: Hodgkin v. Hofmann

Howard Hodgkin
Born 1932

Lost to David Hockney in Round 1.


Hans Hofmann
1880 - 1966
German; worked internationally

Beaten by Ferdinand Hodler in Round 1.

Vote for the two artists of your choice! Votes generally go in the comments, but have been known to arrive by email, by postcard, or in a sealed envelope.

Please note that you may vote only once in each face-off.  Opining that both of the artists in one of the two face-offs is superior to the other is fine, but casting your votes for two artists in the same face-off is not permissible.


  1. Hilliard and then... I don't see either of these 2 being long for this tournament. I guess I'll go Hofman. Oh, and I believe Hodgkin a is Brit.

  2. Hobbema - Nice Trees
    Hofmann - Squares!

  3. Hilliard gets a point for working in miniatures, but then I'm forced to conclude that painting wasn't the strong suit of Elizabethan England. Hobbema runs away with the top round, down an allee of curiously spindly trees. In the next frame, cheerfully painted red, Hofmann easily bests Hodgkin in the Duel of the Bright Slatherers.

  4. Hobbema and Hofmann. I mentioned before my parents have had a Hofmann print since I was a little kid, so I'm completely biased.

  5. Hobbema by a tree-lined mile, and Hofmann based partially on pfly's parents' print, partially because I like that first one, and partially because I checked Mrs' response to make sure I wasn't spitting into the wind.

  6. Hilliard and Hobbema, surprise surprise.

  7. Here's an email vote -- two email votes, really -- for Hobbema & Hofmann.

  8. I contacted Candida regarding her voting faux pas -- she is going with Hilliard and Hofmann, really.

  9. So that gives Hofmann a win with 8-3, and sends Hodgkin packing, alas.

    Voting is still open in the Hilliard/Hobbema match!

  10. And it's a second 8-3 match landing on the side of Hobbema. He'll have a tough match against Big Name Goya in the next round... but at least he'll have a next round, right?


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.