The Brackets!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Play-In Artist SubTournament: Phase 2, Flight 5

In Phase 2, you may cast votes for up to TWO artists.  One vote per artist per person.

Phase 2, Flight 4 will be open until February 21, 2014. Phase 2, Flight 5 will be open until March 15, 2014. 

#5 Kris Kuksi
b. 1973

Finished First in Phase 1, Flight 1, with a voting score of .867.

#8 Timothy Ely
b. 1949

Finished Second in Phase 1, Flight 7, with a voting score of .813.

#18 Chuck Close
b. 1940

Tied for Second in Phase 1, Flight 11, with a voting score of .727.

#18 Harald Sohlberg
1869 - 1935

Second place in Phase 1, Flight 10, with a voting score of .727.

#29 Iyla Repin
1844 - 1930

Second Place in Phase 1, Flight 12, with a voting score of .615.

#30 Banksy
b. 1974

Tied for Third in Phase 1, Flight 2, with a voting score of .600.

#38 Clifford Tjapaltjarri
1932 - 2002

Tied for Third in Phase 1, Flight 9, with a voting score of .455.

Vote for up to two artists! Votes go in the comments. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. This poll will be open for approximately one and a half months past posting.


  1. This, I think, is the strongest round 2 subtournament flight yet. I feel like I could vote for any of them! I will definitely cast my first vote for Repin because "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" is one of my favorite paintings. I think I'll also go with Sohlberg!

  2. Too many good choices--so hard to choose. Well, I'm partial to Banksy, thanks to Morgan, and I think I'll vote for Kuksi as well.

  3. Definitely Clifford, and then it got tough. I'm going to go to Banksy based on the sheer numbers of pranks he's pulled off, the pictures above, and that he made a Stonehenge out of portable toilets.

  4. Ilya Repin and Tim Ely!

  5. Sohlberg and Banksy. (This was a lot easier before I realized this was a "vote for 2," not a "vote for 4" round.)

  6. Repin for me, and Ely. Non-scoring shout-out to Sohlberg.

  7. In a weird mood, so Kuksi and Ely.

  8. Lots of good ones here. How about Banksy and Ely.

  9. And with time running out on Flight 5, it's a tough break for #17 seed Chuck Close, who only got a single vote, the least of the seven artists. No one else got more than three votes, except for the two clear winners, who each attracted six of their twelve possible votes: Tim Ely and Banksy. They're heading to the Big Show! And Banksy, who comes quite early in the alphabet, will probably make his debut there in not so many weeks.

    Only one Flight of the Play-In Tournament left... although there will be at least three aftershock Flights, as various ties and discrepancies get sorted out. The fun never stops, for the immediate future!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.