The Brackets!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Infinite Art Tournament, First Elimination Round #24/64

Faceoff #1: Guston v. Hamilton

Philip Guston
1913 - 1980

Lost to Frans Hals in Round 1.


Richard Hamilton
1922 - 2011

Lost to Wilhelm Hammershoi in Round 1.

Faceoff #2: Hartung v. Heron

Hans Hartung
1904 - 1992
German; worked in France

Put up a good fight against Childe Hassam in Round 1.


Patrick Heron
1920 - 1999

Pounded by Barbara Hepworth in The St. Ives Bowl.

Vote for the two artists of your choice! Votes generally go in the comments, but have been known to arrive by email, by postcard, or in a sealed envelope.

Please note that you may vote only once in each face-off.  Opining that both of the artists in one of the two face-offs is superior to the other is fine, but casting your votes for two artists in the same face-off is not permissible.


  1. Guston! He's got a huge pile of cheese by his bed and a plate of cheese on his chest!

    Oh wait. Those are shoes, and - pieces of shoes?

    I think I'll go with Hamilton instead.

    And although I'm usually not a big fan of abstract art and therefore not really qualified to judge between the other two, I am going to vote for Hartung's slash marks over Heron's blobs.

  2. I actually like all four of these artists, a rarity on first elimination rounds. I'll go Hartung on the bottom, and then... let's go Guston.

  3. Guston and heron

  4. I'll vote the Christine M. ticket: Hamilton, Heron.

  5. Apparently I'm voting the same ticket: Hamilton and Heron!

  6. And it's all over! Guston and Heron can leave the Tournament and get on with their artistic legacies. Hamilton and Hartung move left to take on tougher foes in the Second Round. And everybody has a share.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.