The Brackets!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Wednesday Post

Greetings from the Motel Capri!
The very name thrills of the exotic!

Niece #1 sent back this exquisitely boring postcard from a recent sojourn to Australia. 

I'm not sure whether the Motel Capri in question was an Australian establishment; the card wasn't clear. 

It occurred to me that there might be other Motels Capri in the world, and that some might have boring postcards of their own.  I was right!  Here's a selection of the best:

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little unclear--how many of these motels are actually on the isle of Capri? Because, you know, I'm not seeing a lot of Italian in the signage. Perhaps the name is capriciously chosen?


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