The Brackets!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Infinite Art Tournament Left Bracket Third-Round Elimination: GRUDGE MATCH: Bazille v. Beckmann!

It's another proud day to be a member of the Infinite Art Community, as we drag the Left Bracket into the semi-finals via the FIRST EVER MATCH IN THIRD-ROUND ELIMINATION!!!

Not only that, it's a Grudge Match.  Frederic Bazille got knocked out by Max Beckmann in Round 2, but has since won three straight to stay alive in the wild and wooly Left Bracket.  Beckmann himself fell to Basquiat in Round 3, but won his next match and advances to meet his old opponent.  Remember: according to the Grudge Match Rule, this contest can not result in a tie.  Beckmann, who won the first pairing, advances unless Bazille beats him outright.

Leaving us this week are Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema (3-2-1; 47vf, 30 va) and the great American naturalist, John James Audubon (2-2-0; 32vf, 28va).

Frederic Bazille
1841 - 1870

Max Beckmann
1884 - 1950
German; worked in Netherlands and U.S.
  • Defeated Gentile Bellini in Round 1.
  • Edged out nineteenth century Frenchman Frederic Bazille in Round 2 by two votes -- YOUR VOTE COUNTS!
  • Knocked out by Jean-Michel Basquiat in Round 3.
  • Beat Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema in the Left Bracket Third Round by a two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS! Round 3.


Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. You were there when Bazille and Beckmann fought their grudge match in the left bracket third round elimination bracket? Yes, I was. Yes, I was.


  2. Beckmann. Last summer I saw a whole room full o' Beckmanns at the St. Louis Art Museum. You gotta see 'em in person. Also George Caleb Bingham. Heck, book a flight to StL. Great town.

  3. As I see these artists more and more Beckmann has really grown on me, while Bazille has stayed about the same. I voted for Beckmann before, and I'll do it again.

  4. I'll cast the first vote for Bazille!

  5. Tough, very tough. But I like Bazille's colors. So that guy.

  6. "Bazille all the way," says legendary ex-Dork G on the Facebook syndication.:

  7. I think I like them equally, but this morning I am enjoying being soothed by Bazille - though later in the day I might have voted for the visual stimulation of Beckmann. However, coffee is waking me up instead.

  8. Bazille is nice, but I've long loved Beckmann.

  9. Not sure if I posted right. It was Beckmann vote.

  10. And for me, OH YEAH BAZILLE. I think he's smashing.

  11. Hmmm. I guess there's a reason I've put this one off--it's one of those that has me ping-ponging back and forth each time I think I've decided. Just when I think I'll go with nice quiet Bazille, I discover Beckmann's The Synagogue, and I decide I better vote Beckmann. And so I will. I think he's smashed!

  12. Bazille is in my top 10 favourite artists so although I like Beckmann's stuff I'll stick with Bazille.

  13. And it's Beckmann defending his first victory with a 9-7 follow-up. That keeps him alive to meet Fra Angelico on November 1. Yow!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.