The Brackets!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 2 TIEBREAK: David v. Gauguin!

Here's the other half of the tiebreak action that started last week

Jacques-Louis David
1748 - 1825

Beat 20th century American Stuart Davis after a tough fight in Round 1.
Tied Honoré Daumier in Round 2.

Paul Gauguin
1848 - 1903
French; worked in France and Tahiti

Took care of business versus Henri Gaudier-Brzeska in Round 1.
Tied with Thomas Gainsborough in a gripping Round 2 artists' duel. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. I love the detail and the use of light in David's works. He gets my vote.

  2. It's cold here and tempting me to the beaches, but I'm swimming against the tide and voting for David. Mostly for that lovely archer ass.

  3. I've supported both these artists in all their previous match-ups. Now I'm going to vote my modern sensibilities and back Gauguin. He was a bit of a jerk, at best, but his work is almost always interesting. And I do adore those blocks of color. The peasant washerwomen--that is, like, one of the most scrumptious palettes of all time.

  4. First guy in a landslide. There is so much crazy action in that one - people trying to save babies from spears, boobs popping out . . . Gotta go with the first guy.

    Actually love his realism. Think I studied a couple of those in college.

  5. Surprisingly (at least to me), I find myself voting for David. The "classic" style often loses some points in my book, but applied to the French Revolution while it was happening? Wow. I would be fine with Gauguin moving on (Shout out to the "Yellow Christ!"), but I will support David and his living history masterpieces this round.

  6. Gauguin! I admire not only his paintings, but also his courage to follow his dream without thinking the risks. Of course he payed for that later...
    Oh! I hate also David....

  7. This is a really weird one for me, two A-list artists that I am very luke-warm on. David is so stiff, and Gauguin is... not stiff enough, perhaps. Too allegorical! Not allegorical enough!

    Lacking a sense of direction, I'm going to let myself be persuaded by Chuckdaddy and cast my lot with David on this 12 Nivôse CCXXII. "Happy New Year," indeed.

  8. A correspondent goes for David, marking with an asterisk which indicates a "very hard choice."

  9. And the David/Gauguin tiebreaker ends in... a tie! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Well, the Tournament was supposed to have gone viral by now, and with the hundreds of votes involved ties would have been very rare. As it is, it just enriches our experience of art, right? Right?

    There is, in fact, an app for this: The David/Gauguin Second Round tie will simply match up with the Goya/El Greco Second Round tie, and we'll continue gnawing away at some of these big-name artists! See ya there!

  10. Candida arrives too late to prevent a trainwreck.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.