The Brackets!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 1: Varo v. Beauneveu!

Up to this point of the Infinite Art Tournament, there haven't been many interruptions to the orderly alphabetical entrance of First Round contestants. That will change from here on out, however, as resolution of First-Round Ties and the gradual entrance of artists from the great Play-In Tournament will be occupying the first of most of the remaining bracket quartets.

Awesome voters, please welcome Remedios Varo to the canon of Tournament-grade artists, and welcome back André Beauneveu after two years of anxious pacing in the tied artists' holding pen!!

Remedios Varo
1908 - 1963
Spanish; worked in Mexico

Finished First in Phase 1, Flight 3 of the Play-In Tournament with a voting score of .917.
Finished First in Phase 2, Flight 1 of the Play-In Tournament with a voting score of .500.

André Beauneveu
active 1361, died c.1402

Tied with Domenico Beccafumi in his initial Round 1 outing, in January 2012.

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Has it been two years already? And this is an awesome matchup. I still like Beauneveu, but I am voting for the modern Medievalist Varo here.

  2. I guess I'll go with the second guy because I like the lady with the wheel and the sword.

  3. That Beanuveu could really illuminate a manuscript! But Varo will still barely get my vote.

  4. As seems to be common, I'll cast my vote for Varo after a really hard look at Beauneveu.

  5. Never seen Varo before, but I like! Varo all the way!

  6. Varo is more interesting to my modern sensibilities, but Beauneveu rocked it for the time period. I'll break from the trend here and vote for Beauneveu.

  7. Like them both, but I'll go with Varo.

  8. A vote through the mails for Varo.

  9. Whereas I tend to linger in the medieval section, because I find the Beauneveu stuff to be FREAKIN' SWEET!!! Plus, the lady with the sword and wheel, right?

  10. Varo, but I'm liking Beauneveu, too. (I accidentally typed "loking," there--"liking" + "looking," perhaps?)

  11. It's Varo, 10 to 4, and a good start for our artists emerging from the Play-in Tournament! Beauneveu ain't out yet; he could still back and win it all through torturous path of the Left Bracket! That would be kind of exciting.

    Thanks for voting!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.