The Brackets!

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Free Box Tapes #3: Miles Davis plays Porgy & Bess, and Steely Dan plays "Katy Lied."

The third Free Box Tape was, like the first two in the series, recorded on a transparent c.1990 Memorex cassette tape with the still-familiar pale yellow case liner.  The first few notes of Porgy & Bess are cut off, and both sides are more than a little tinny.

One does rather miss album covers.
Miles Davis: Porgy & Bess (1959) b/w Steely Dan: Katy Lied (1975)

Sixty-Four Words: Miles Davis plays jazz arrangements from Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess? I mean, damn! It’s awesome! Could I possibly say otherwise? This landmark recording is backed here with one of the less successful records by Steely Dan, a band that fused complex harmonic structures with unconventional rhythms and what are often deemed “cerebral” lyrics, yet somehow produced only a clutch of blandly pleasant pop tunes.

Disposition:  Will retain.

1 comment:

  1. I have to check this one out. Does Miles Davis sing "Dirty Work" on this one?


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